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Who and what do you fantasise about when you are jerking off?

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Started by #37169 at 20,Dec,09 10:01
Who do you most fantasise about when you are jerking off? Not one off's like after you watch a movie etc but someone who recurs in your fantasies over and over - and what do you imagine doing to/with them?

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By WHATSUPDOC at 25,Jul,21 05:22 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
Oh I have my very favorites and they are all men. I know that I had never thought of myself as gay. Well that sure has changed. I don't remember the last time I jerked off to a girl
By #535695 at 27,Jul,21 12:16

By lovetolickyou at 27,Jul,21 04:01 other posts of lovetolickyou 
Something I've always wanted to try but never had the chance. I'd like to be tied up securely so I couldn't move, then have someone get me hard. I don't normally use lube when I jerk off, but know that I'd be powerless to stop them from getting my cock slippery and stroking me till I had no way to prevent cumming. The difference would be that when I came, they wouldn't stop. No matter what I said or did, they would keep torturing my cock, stroking it, keeping me hard, and using my cum mixed with the lube to keep jerking me. I'd like to have them make me cum three or four times from it and eventually pass out from the overwhelming pleasure. I have various fantasies about who it would be....Ranging from **** mother, my sister, my daughter, to strange women or men that I don't know. I even have a wild fantasy about being blindfolded so I wouldn't know who was abusing me and making me cum over and over again.

By #538948 at 26,Jul,21 07:51
A close family friend she is 30 curvy beautiful I fantasize about cumming in her and getting her pregnant I been thinking about her more often because recently I got to see her titties accidentally

By thebeewolf at 25,Jul,21 16:31 other posts of thebeewolf 
I hardly ever jerk off. Occasionally I use a vibrator, but typically all my boners are handled by my cock masseur. He visits once a week. But what do I fantasize about? Having a 3-way with 18 year old girls. Or sometimes nowadays, having a cum-addicted cock whore of a guy orally worshipping my cock because he needs it so bad.

By #631189 at 25,Jul,21 15:51
Big chubby guys wanking off with me, or rubbing our cocks together, or jerking in our white briefs, or having my foreskin pulled back really tight and having the head rubbed dry, or being made to pull by white briefs down infront of other guys and made to masturbate in front of them while they watch. Or a mixture of all the above.

By #6568 at 20,Dec,09 11:18
I've got lots,...i'll write some up tomorrow when I have more time. However, you might like to have a look at my 'erotic story' which is down the page onn this topic and titled 'At the Clinic'...this is one of my regular fantasies turned into text..


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