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the mute ones....

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Started by #38502 at 20,Dec,09 20:20
Why are there men who don't make a sound when they cum?

Similar topics: 1.Why do people freak out when talking to couples if the guy wants to talk?  

New Comment

By #6568 at 21,Dec,09 11:02
Well, it's not always the same set of feelings and pleasures when you come, fact, for me, there can be amazing differences between orgasms from one to another. soemtimes you don't have the need or inclination to make much or any, sounds. sometimes you have to grunt with each jet of the ejaculation. At other times you want to shout out and have to bite your lip to stay private.

Lots of men learn to have silent orgasms for privacy and this becomes their essential habit. Forcing yourself to be quiet can make for a different, and sometimes more meaningful/exciting orgasm. Sometimes 'gritting your teeth' when you come can prolong the orgasm.....

By MoeJoe at 21,Dec,09 10:29 other posts of MoeJoe 
As a chronic masturbator...I learned to be quiet....

By slipper at 20,Dec,09 21:39 other posts of slipper 
Why are some long and some short, like raw oysters or not, etc. etc.

Adult Discussion Forum