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proposed uk online porn restrictions

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Started by #183935 at 23,Jul,13 14:42
Heard on the news yesterday that the government are proposing to f0rce isp's to block access to any porn sites, unless the user has requested access to explicit material in writing. The idea is that it will stop chil dren getting to see naughty pictures.

do you think that this is something that should be put into law, or should it be left to parents to make sure their k!ds aren't looking at anything inappropriate?

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By DJS at 27,Jul,13 15:27 other posts of DJS 
I concur with what's been said especial about parents taking the responsibility, I think its only/wish the banning of **** abuse/porn which as no place in this world ever which I holly support(even if some disagree) But if Cameron is making this a PR stunt after them 2poor young girl who were sexual assaulted/ murder by those 2 ****,S who watched **** porn then. Not only as this country gone but the whole world fked-up. I can guess what some reply's will be. But if removing it can save one **** life it would be worth it

By #34282 at 25,Jul,13 00:22
What will happen next is that when you go to the library, there will be a restricted book section and you have to have permission to enter. It's not so much about the porn being blocked that's the problem, it's that it's a slippery slope of censorship and loss of freedom; our government here in Canada is also considering doing this kind of censorship. Cameron may paint the picture that he's saving the ****, when he's building a list of those who watch pornography. I've seen porn way before I turned 18, and I didn't have any lingering ill effects from it. I also played Grand Theft Auto and those sorts of games when I was a **** and I didn't turn into a crazy axe murderer. Make no mistake, this is your government setting a dangerous precedence of limiting your freedoms.

By #68656 at 23,Jul,13 16:49
That is just a cop-out by parents who are too lazy to assume responsibility for their **** and an attempt to shift their responsibilities onto a third party.
A while back a pollie here, Mr. Conroy, tried the same thing in Australia to censor the internet and for isp`s to filter the content, it flew back spectactularly in his face and has been abandoned.
What is the definition of "porn", that depends on the individual and the society.
Filtering the internet can be compared to the post office having to open and read every letter individually, decide if it is "pornographic", delete particular words and then resend the amended letters onto their recipients.
By bigone21 at 23,Jul,13 21:29 other posts of bigone21 
JohnS: that is a clear statement! I agree 100%
By #183935 at 23,Jul,13 23:02
I'm sure that bringing back mild corporal punishment would be a good thing. Apart from anything parents might be slightly more inclined to discipline their k!ds
By bigone21 at 24,Jul,13 16:05 other posts of bigone21 
bring back "mild" corporal pinishment???

so, as a parent, you don't have to monitor your c h i l d's behaviour on the internet, and actively applie the filters you see fit, you just smack them if you catch them seeing that is not for their eyes to see..?

you really think the next generation has to learn how to use internet, social media, advertisement and porn everywhere around by getting disciplined??

"but daddy, you show off your cock at SYD, why can't I look at this porn-clip..???"
"you just have to wait a few years s o n, now go and play with your Nintendo!"

yeah, right..!
By #183935 at 24,Jul,13 23:01
I wasn't meaning beat them for watching porn, but just in general. Actually punish in a way that will put them off doing whatever they did wrong again. A 5 minute "time out" isn't always going to give enough of a deterrent. Hopefully they would then grow up to raise their own offspring with a decent shot at knowing right and wrong, and having decent moral values. Too many of late teen / early 20s people I meet are lazy, self obsessed and seem convinced that the world owes them. I suspect they will mostly go on to be crap parents
By bigone21 at 24,Jul,13 23:27 other posts of bigone21 
@ zoozoo

ahum... "beat them just in general"...

quote: "Hopefully they would then grow up to raise their own offspring with a decent shot at knowing right and wrong, and having decent moral values."

with this stupid methods, FORGET about achieving your goals...

By #147052 at 24,Jul,13 14:14
If you are going to have ****, then YOU raise them and do not allow the state to pass laws just because the parents are piss poor adults to have ****. I am fed up with America's NSA spying on everything that we do on line.
My definition of porn is the assholes that think up this kind of legislation. Usually they are ****philes looking for something to cover their tracks and allow better access to ****-just go ask a priest or a baptist minister!

By bigone21 at 23,Jul,13 21:25 other posts of bigone21 
if a c h i l d sees only one person a day being shot or stabbed to death on television, and that is an conservative estimate, by the time he or she is 18, it's seen over 5000 murders!

DO something about THAT please!!

i don't think porn is for the young. my daddy confiscated some porn-magazines i had found when i was twelve. he told me that i would get them back when i was 16. and when i was 16 i asked them back, and i got them back, after he explained the difference between the pictures and real life.

in this western world, and maybe ALL OVER the world, people are more frightened by SEX, than by KILLING and V I O L A N C E! that does seem strange!

parents should do what they should do: OPT OUT! and don't bother me with your laziness to take good care of your c h i l d r e n!

what is the next thing? i have to opt-out on seeing only the primary colours?? where can i do that??

By admin at 23,Jul,13 20:51 other posts of admin 
I'd say less than 5% of parents care to implement any kind of parental control, despite that there is a plenty of methods to do that, both paid and free.

Blocking sites at isp level, however, won't do any good. No matter how they try to push porn into xxx domain, you can still see porn posted on forums or social networks that should not have anything to do with porn and thus cannot be blocked correctly.

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