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Should I make cut my foreskin?

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Started by #23195 at 22,Aug,13 18:07
Hi everybody, I have a question since a lot of time and I don't know what to do. Should I make cut my foreskin or not? I used to think that a real male have their dick cut, and kids are uncut. I'm 22 years old this year, and I would like to feel like a male with my cut cock and not like a young boy anymore. What do you think? Should I do it or not?

Similar topics: 1.How to keep foreskin retracted ?   2.Stretching uncut foreskin to make it longer?   3.foreskin   4.Stretching foreskin   5.How to tighten your foreskin  

New Comment

By bigone21 at 23,Aug,13 22:27 other posts of bigone21 
Change your MIND on the subject, NOT your perfect cock!!

And if you think it is rite to manhood, go to Africa and cut it off with an old razorblade!

Fuck! If it takes western society 3 generations to stop this shit, how could we get an african woman without internet to stop this on her daughter if "everybody" "thinks" it's better, not knowing exectly why...

Stop this cutting-thing! It's barbarian, and is a solution for a problem that doesn't exist!
By #303133 at 24,Aug,13 13:14
Whoa there, biggie! Back the bus up.
Doesn't this comment run counter to your whole "let the guy decide when he is an adult" line? You know...the statement you repeat, over and over, in all of your other anti-circ posts?
This guy is an ADULT. He is deciding for HIMSELF. Seems to me that, according to what you've said in the past, he should be free to choose how to proceed without being told that he holds the fate of every foreskin on the blasted planet in his hands! If the guy is thinking of getting circumcised because of a cultural idea, or because it will improve his self-image, then the problem DOES exist! At least for him, and he will have to decide for himself what he needs to do. Whether or not he gets cut has NOTHING to do with anyone's pecker but his own...
(And,do the people of Africa only HAVE "old" razor blades? If that is the case, your suggestion that he travel to Africa to get his circumcision is not a very good one. It would be better for him to go to a local doctor's office, don't you think? Most doctors have access to NEW razor blades.)
By bigone21 at 25,Aug,13 02:35 other posts of bigone21 
@ JustWill

you might be right, i might be wrong...

what is it with you guys to want to cut your foreskin?

i maybe better let it be...

cut it off! no function, you can do without, MUCH cleaner, WHATEVER...

go ahead cut it off if it makes you happy!! Yourself, your son, your babyboy! cut it off!!


still, some guys are happy being uncut, but anyway, CUT IT OFF!! You want to to your little boys, do so!! CUT IT OFF!

I have NO MORE text...
By #303133 at 25,Aug,13 14:56
I notice, however, that you do not address my question about your "let him decide when he is an adult" stance in other threads.
By bigone21 at 27,Aug,13 22:59 other posts of bigone21 
Well Willie,

At the 24th of august you got to me at a point that I didn't know what to argument anymore... It was not the best of reply I gave. But...

So, if I try to change ones mind, I should NOT do that if the guyt is an adult?

I like to change EVERY mind on EVERY planned circumcission!

And yes, sure, the guy is an adult and can decide for himself! Yet in this forum he asks: "Should I make cut my foreskin?" And I adviced: NO!

So what???

By Odin_york_pa at 25,Aug,13 14:22 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
Figured some people could use this....

[deleted image]
By #23195 at 26,Aug,13 15:13
By Odin_york_pa at 27,Aug,13 03:27 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
for the way some people preach on this site and that if you do not agree with them then surely you are a bad person and you should skip life and go straight to Hell.
By #68656 at 27,Aug,13 10:19
It will need to be a strong box as the prime preacher is a big man.
By Odin_york_pa at 27,Aug,13 20:39 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
it's solid lead in the middle

By #303133 at 24,Aug,13 13:03
It's your penis. You are an adult. The decision is yours to make. In the end, you must do what will make you feel the most comfortable with your self-image.
I am curious, though, about where the "real male have their dick cut, and kids are uncut" idea comes from. Is it a cultural idea? A family tradition? How did you arrive at this concept?
By #409137 at 24,Aug,13 19:34
The guy's Canadian maybe we should ask sinanff47 if he can throw some light on it.
By #23212 at 25,Aug,13 02:55
Yes indeed, maybe you should ask him.

Oh, anyways: 'rotor91' is a French Canadian (eg., the "make cut" 'translation' of the verb, 'to cut'), who is likely Catholic, and therefore likely has seen, during his y o u t h, only uncut peers; which may possibly be his reasoning here, eh non m. 'rotor'?.
By #409137 at 25,Aug,13 15:05
There I told you to go to the wise for your answer
By #23212 at 25,Aug,13 22:25
Thank you for your very nice words 'poolboy/pbouey' I am VERY sorry to see that you are no longer here, but I sincerely hope you return very soon. Best wishes.

By #409137 at 22,Aug,13 18:44
No NO and big time No. There are kits to do this but the chance of infection is very great. If you realy want this done have a word with your doc and explain your wishes get it done proper man please.
By #23195 at 22,Aug,13 20:30
its sure i would ask a doctor to do it lol, i dont want to do that myself

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