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Odd thing between Miss Evil-Fairy and I! HELP!!

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Started by bigguy at 10,Sep,13 12:04  other posts of bigguy
I made what I thought was a very nice comment on one of Miss E-F photo's then A lady did a reply saying she thought it was the best comment ever made on a SYD/SYC photo. Then I received a pm from Miss E-F saying she didn't appreciate the comment and she thought it was BULLSHIZ (as she called it). And also said I probably tell that to everyone. To set the record straight I never made that exact comment about anyone's photo before not even close and it actually came from deep inside. Yes I do talk to many and comment where it's due. Her PM was a down right attack and I never had anything but good to say to her or about her. I figured the best thing for me to do was erase her from my friends list and take her photo's out of my favorites since she didn't like me or my compliments and comments. Doing this I would not be tempted to contact her by mistake and by now you probably guessed she banned me. Now don't get me wrong I have no trouble with the banned part but here is where i'm a little disturbed. If i'm at risk of being banned for leaving a perfectly polite nice compliment and comment on a photo do I take the chance to do it. Very confusing, I can't talk directly to E-F about it like a man to lady talk
now that she threw me to the dogs and banned me. Anyone else has an opinion on this that may shed a little light as to either comment on photo's or not. As far now i'm not doing it anymore, piss on that, fuck it if i'm going to get my ass jumped on for being nice!!!

Similar topics: 1.MY BIGGIE GETS LONELY...   2.If you are flirting with someone   3.Whatever happened to the Pissy Rant-Fairy?   4.Evil Fairy has posted a a pic of her asshole.   5.Butt hurt mondays aka who pissed in your wheeties you knob jockey?  

New Comment

By #301038 at 20,Sep,13 04:28
Jeez... is this is still going on...
By bigguy at 20,Sep,13 11:42 other posts of bigguy 
All done as far as i'm concerned.

By #390248 at 11,Sep,13 01:25
You, sir, are a complete ass! As it happens, "your girls" have finally decided that enough is enough. You have pretended to be close to many women on here who you barely know. Your main mistake was making the departure of Obscura about you, no matter how long you may have known her. You tried to hijack the thread,and even after it was explained, in public, you still wanted it to be about you. I keep in the background, but I have a few close friends that you don't know I have. You've insulted each of them with your self-righteous pontificating and the mistaken idea that they all think you are the greatest guy in the world. You are really not that important. So, give it a rest.
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 02:02 other posts of bigguy 
You have all the right to your opinion and I respect that. I also have the right and will use that right when I feel like it and I don't need your permission to do it.I'm not going to attack back at you because I have no idea who you are and really don't care. You know nothing about me and the private contacts I make, in all reality it's none of your business, Here is something for you to ponder, If I could buy you for what your worth and sell you for what you think you're worth I would make a fortune. You are the kind of person that sits on the sidelines and strikes from behind like a coward, you said it yourself "keep in the background". You wait for the right time, hit try to score a bunch of points and go hide again. People like you are a dime a dozen. Try sticking yourself out there like a real man and if you get slapped around a bit no big deal it builds character. Now go back in your whole like a little mouse and do it again. When you decide to fire a shot at someone again get a bigger gun your tiny bullets just bounced right off. Have a nice evening!
By #390248 at 11,Sep,13 02:52
I'm right here! I just don't name drop like you do. I don't pretend to know people better than I do. I feel no need to bolster my own self-worth in such a frivolous manner. I don't need to pretend to be every woman's Dudley Doright on here. You don't know me either. I wouldn't waste my time allowing you to do so. the fact remains you have put a personal matter on a public forum. Shame on you and your tiny bullet defenses.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes bore the crap out of me!!!

By #415959 at 11,Sep,13 11:50
Wait a minute...I thought you said you weren't going to attack akaMrK?
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 13:06 other posts of bigguy 
That wasn't an attack only true logic an my opinion. I responded to his comment in the same way he treated me if I would have attacked him it would have taken up a whole lot more space and could have got down right nasty.
I think you are a nice guy and I always try to be.
By #316255 at 11,Sep,13 15:27
You kind of did attack MrK there, bigguy. Actually, there's no 'kind of' there at all. You attacked my friend and were really quite rude. That was pretty ugly.
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 18:32 other posts of bigguy 
So what you are saying is that it is fine for him to hit me but I have no right to reply unless I say, thank you very much and drop it. Are you for real? There is no doubt that your are being partial toward your friend. If you read what he wrote you will see within the first 6 words he is calling names and making a charater attack. So that is what I answered similar to what I got.
Where he really screwed up is to bring up a name of a sweet innocent lady that has never gave anyone a bit of trouble and try to use her against me. Dude you should be ashamed of yourself who or what gives you the right to bring her into this. She is no longer here to read this and you think it's ok to rub her all over in this mess.
What i'm going to do out of respect for her is drop it because that is what she would have wanted me to do that is how good she is. I won't get nasty but listen to what I say and Emm please take note since you find it ok to protect someone who can so easily attack and use inoccent by stander to do. Where i'm from we are known world wide as being the nicest and most friendly people in the world and is actually a big tourest attraction it's in our nature. But what many don't know is that it also comes with another label that is not as evident at first glance but can be very visible quickly. These same breed of people are known to be the worst enemy you will ever come accross, history records will show this. One of the best ways to get us way out of control is to mess with our friends and family. Please Emm take this info and discuss it with your friend akaMrK. If he thinks it's ok to use my friends agaist me you both will open yourself to something that won't be nice. If it comes to that it will not matter to me if I get thrown off here but till then I will give you two people all the hell I possibly can plus anyone else that try's it. The lady in question means the world to me even though we parted ways a while back but I still consider her very close. I'm asking please don't continue on that path!!! For the good of all.
This thread is not about me or Miss E-F being right or wrong. Leave it alone!!!
By #316255 at 11,Sep,13 18:42
You just threatened me? Are you kidding me right now?
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 20:00 other posts of bigguy 
Not a threat, I did not start the problem between me and your friend and you think it's right to back him up, Ok. I politely said i'm willing to drop it. I will leave it up to you, continue with the attack and you can blame yourself and find out it was not a threat. I don't take threats litely and I don't make idle threats. Fire the first shot and the war has started!!!

By #390248 at 19,Sep,13 23:34
never mind

By #301038 at 11,Sep,13 17:28
OK, what was this, then?

"Here is something for you to ponder, If I could buy you for what your worth and sell you for what you think you're worth I would make a fortune. You are the kind of person that sits on the sidelines and strikes from behind like a coward, you said it yourself "keep in the background". You wait for the right time, hit try to score a bunch of points and go hide again. People like you are a dime a dozen. Try sticking yourself out there like a real man and if you get slapped around a bit no big deal it builds character. Now go back in your whole like a little mouse and do it again. When you decide to fire a shot at someone again get a bigger gun your tiny bullets just bounced right off. "

You gonna attack someone, go for it. Just don't do it one sentence after you say you are not going to do it.
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 20:19 other posts of bigguy 
Leave it alone, you are beating a dead horse.

By #360973 at 11,Sep,13 12:07
off-topic gibberish!
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 13:13 other posts of bigguy 
I agree L F, thanks, it's actually past being about me and E-F. This is getting to be bash Gary thread
By #360973 at 13,Sep,13 09:47
I was referring to you, champ.

You were called out for something that i have also noticed and you responded with a tirade of "defensive, hurt-feelings crap".

akaMrK did, however, almost paint himself in the same colour as you by not just stating his own personally-arrived-at opinion (and instead making the presumption that his female friends would want him to speak for them, or that that would be appropriate regardless), but still...he made a valid point and used a valid example (there was quite a lot of possessive/pathetic/"she's my friend too - look i'll divulge personal info about her to prove it" behaviour in the thread Obscura posted before she left, and you were not the only guilty party)
By bigguy at 13,Sep,13 12:12 other posts of bigguy 
I was directed to your post be a friend I said I wasn't coming on this thread anymore but on this one I needed to.
You have all the right as anyone else on here to express your opinion. But the thread wasn't started asking for anyone's opinion about what they thought of me but having said that I really don't give a damn what anybody that takes the opportunity to baash another member when it is none of their business says. You are just one of many that find it ok and easy to join the crowd and throw your 2 cents in in hopes to make brownie points or pat yourself on the back. And now here you go bringing up the same name that the other guy brought up. Man where are you two guy's coming from? That sweet little lady had nothing to do with this and now that she has politely excused herself from here both of you assholes think it's perfectly fine to use her here. There is no way either of you could have been her friends or you would have never used her like this I hope she doesn't decide to come back and visit and read that this is what you and that other fool think of her. If you guy's think od her as a friend please don't dis-respect her memory like this. You can say anything you want about me or to me I can hold my own I promise and not get mad about it. But you are heading down the wrong path,
leave that lady out of this!!! All you will do is cause all the people that love her to **** you then it won't be about me. Use your head, she never hurt anyone, she is one of the best things that ever happened on this site.
She is gone and does need to hear that she is being used this way. Fuck me!! But please respect her. I know all I need to know about her and the people who don't know her don't need to hear anything that could cause questions. Like I said lets keep her out of this. Thanks, Gary

By #390248 at 19,Sep,13 23:35
I meant to speak for no one but myself.

By bigguy at 14,Sep,13 11:51 other posts of bigguy 
I have no problem admitting when i'm wrong and making an appology where needed. Here is a good place and time to do it, out in the open, I don't run and hide when the times get ruff. I have been overly aggressive with some ladies and i'll even use some simple words from one of them she said "i'm trying to hard", ok, I got it.
3 of you in particular I was way out of line with and said harsh things to, i'm very sorry that happened. If I could go back and erase it all I would happily do it but it doesn't work that way. I'm a big guy but not to big that I can't admit I was wrong. I'm not going to name these ladies they know who they are, enough damage has already been done. I don't have the ability to go to each one of them and do this but I really think this is the best way to do it so there should be no doubt i'm sincere. No reply is expected but feel free to express what you want, I promise as far as i'm concerned the fighting and bickering is over, I will not jump back at you. Call me what you want a SOB a stupid ass, a crazy Moo Foo, thats fine you will not piss me off anymore. Special appology's are in order and should be done in private but at this time it's not possible. This is the best I can do at the moment.

By #303133 at 13,Sep,13 13:30
Oh, for the love of Jeebus!
"Threw me to the dogs"!? Like that would be a BAD thing? That's a down-right attack on dogs! What have you got against dogs? Some of my best friends are canines! I can overlook your obsessive,creepy, stalkerish, attention-seeking ramblings because I am aware that some people have difficulty separating reality from fantasy, but when you start insulting have crossed a serious line, Buster!
By bigguy at 13,Sep,13 16:54 other posts of bigguy 
Just because you are some kind of dog freak doesn't mean everyone is. The phrase throw me to the dogs has been around for hundreds of years. I guess it would have been ok with you if the phrase would be thrown to the alligators. Thanks for your message, we needed a comedian to come and break the ice. BUSTER!!!

By pablo37 at 12,Sep,13 17:00 other posts of pablo37 
make sure to keep giving him attention this will be going on for years

By #415959 at 10,Sep,13 13:58
I'm certain this matter could have been resolved via PM through your mutual friends.
By #68656 at 10,Sep,13 14:15
Dear Mr. 2Nice.
While I would prefer not to involve myself in this matter I trust it can be amicably resolved between the two concerned parties.
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 21:52 other posts of bigguy 
John i'm not a trouble maker I backed off, as for as i'm concerned it's all over.

By #360973 at 11,Sep,13 12:02
To be honest, from what i've read around the site, you do have a creepily nice and overly-familiar vibe to you. Tone it down several notches.
Why is Fairy (one female member) being disinterested in communicating with you a big enough issue to make public anyway? Take a deep breath and gain some perspective...
By #301038 at 11,Sep,13 13:21
very true. Best advice so far!
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 14:29 other posts of bigguy 
I agree, see i'm easy. I didn't start the issue I was trying to end it peacefully. I have no problem with E-F. She is a very nice lady and always was to me.
As I mentioned, this thread was started not to bash anyone or get under anyone's skin. It was intended to shed light on how hard it is to let someone who put you on their banned list know your sorry if they were miss treated or if
something that was said hurt their feelings. And see what others thought about commenting on a members photo's just to have that person slap you across the face for just being nice and giving an honest, clean comment.
Some of you mentioned this may not be the right place to do this and maybe you are right, tell me where is the right place to get multiple opinions? I'm easy to access i'm not on a private line PM me if you and I have an issue, do it here and you just continued what you said should not have been done.
I have many friends and yes are much closer than others but my belief was if you both have each other on your friends list you actually had a friend that was interested in getting along and sharing a friendship. If I got the wrong idea and it's not that way I invite anyone that has added me to their list feel free to delete me I have no problem doing the same, no hard feelings I promise.
Just to mention I left notes in a PM to some of my closer lady friends to please not get caught up in this mess, I don't want anyone taking it out on them for being my friend.
By Ray10754 at 11,Sep,13 16:32 other posts of Ray10754 
Some times it takes a BIGER MAN to walk away from something rather than continue, it will only get worse!
Think about that !!
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 21:45 other posts of bigguy 
Exactly, in the process allready, best thing I heard today

By #328554 at 11,Sep,13 20:53
All very, very odd and quite how is this a discussion topic...?

The only interested parties should be the protagonists and as one has banned the other there's nothing really to discuss...
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 21:37 other posts of bigguy 

By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 21:36 other posts of bigguy 
I'm not reading or writing on this thread anymore, I got the information I wanted. All this other garbage is absolutely silly after thinking about it. Thanks to all for your in-put it puts things in perspective.

By #392675 at 11,Sep,13 02:36
BG, Elton John once said:

"Too much is too much, but much too much is just enough"

And look at that twat. Get it?
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 14:59 other posts of bigguy 
My friend I will take that as you are Ok with me. If i'm wrong no problem there either I respect everyone's opinion.
By #392675 at 11,Sep,13 16:44
well it depends if you think elton john is OK i suppose lol.

I dont know you to be ok or not ok with you, but if you upset friends of mine it'll be the latter.

I'm with the other sensible folk who think it was bad form to bring this up in here.
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 20:29 other posts of bigguy 
I don't know elton john and don't really care. And I don't know you and the same applies. Get to know me before you judge and i'll do the same.

By #402775 at 11,Sep,13 18:17
I HAVE to say something....maybe it's the whole Libra/scale thing, and the need for me to put things in perspective...
I'm unbiased in this matter so what I say is simply based on what I've read here.
I glance at the forum and see the topic "Odd thing between Miss Evil-Fairy and I! HELP!!" Of course THAT caught my eye, but then after reading it, only TWO sentences towards the end of the post are dedicated to what you say is the true issue. So honestly, in my eyes, it does look like its about Evil-Fairy and not about leaving comments.

Had the topic said "HELP! when is it ok to leave comments?"
Then add those two sentences:
"Anyone else has an opinion on this that may shed a little light as to either comment on photo's or not. If i'm at risk of being banned for leaving a perfectly polite nice compliment and comment on a photo do I take the chance to do it? Very confusing..."
Then MAYbe, this thread would be different...

To answer your question: No, it's not wrong to leave a nice compliment. It only becomes a problem when the RECEIVER of the compliment feels like its excessive. (kind of like sexual harrassment.....the feeling is based on how the RECEIVER of the attention feels)
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 20:23 other posts of bigguy 
Thanks for your opinion. I got my point accross regardless how it was taken.

By #301038 at 11,Sep,13 13:20
Gary, I thought I was the only one you can't get along with?
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 14:53 other posts of bigguy 
Well Peach since you asked I have to say you were the first.
And i'm sorry we can't get along I really believe we both tried very hard. I'm not going to sit here and blame you our personality's conflict and we are both set in our ways and it is not right for either of us to ask the other to make a dramatic change it just work that way. Unless we both accept each other the way we are it's best to leave it alone. That is why I decided to not approach you anymore unless you made the first move. There is no doubt in my mind you know I like you but I will not continue upsetting you.
Miss Emm I hope will forgive me and we can talk I believe she took some things I said the wrong way but the same goes i'm not going to make the first move. I really like her also and she knows it I always treated her with utmost respect and will always do so, if she holds anything against me it will have to be her to bring it up and hopefully we can work it out. If you noticed I asked if I could PM you.
Now E-F, not going to say anything about that enough has been said about it. I always liked her and I tried very hard to treat her with all due respect and be nice. Here again it's not my place to make the first move.
This is a fact and I have many friends that can attest to it, I can stay busy on here with all the free time I can gather making my friends happy and showing them I truly care for them and in many cases our friendship has been going on for a long time. I am not about to ask them to get in this as a matter of fact I asked them to please stay away. This is not about them.
By #301038 at 11,Sep,13 17:25
Well, bigguy. One more time, I told you that you make me feel stalked, belittled and patronized. You act, as if you knew me for years, got my cell on speed dial and can enter my house without an invitation. How exactly should I change to get you the satisfaction you want?

I explained myself more than several times and let you know exactly what makes me tick. And what you do? You vip out your dick and have a temper tantrum, after which you delete me from your friends, just to come back couple days later asking to forgive you. I'm not here to negotiate, I expressed myself, I couldn't stress enough that you make me feel uncomfortable and unless you stop doing things that creep me out, you will not stop making me feel uncomfortable. I'm not trying to change you, I just can't stand the way you approach me. That's it.
I notice everything you say or do, you don't need to inform me that you left a comment, added my picture to your favorites... You don't need to let me know, that you are thinking about me, missing me, etc...

By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 20:13 other posts of bigguy 
Thats where you are a little confused. I stopped caring when I stopped talking to you because basically you wanted me to from what I gathered. If you look above you asked me the question and you got an answer now you have the nerve to say i'm still stalking you. Woman get a life and start talking to **** you are not my mother or my wife!!! If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen!!!

By spermkiss at 10,Sep,13 15:59 other posts of spermkiss 
First off, correct your grammar. It should read "...between Miss Evil-Fairy and me!" Not I. The pronoun is one of the objects of the preposition "between" and therefore should be objective, not nominative.
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 02:08 other posts of bigguy 
Do you really believe this is the right place for a college English professor? Just asking? BTW who gives a shit about learning French!!!
By #415959 at 11,Sep,13 11:51
I does make it a little easier on the eyes.

Just sayin'...
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 13:09 other posts of bigguy 
Just want to point out something and it means nothing to me but look over what "you" just wrote. Think about it a bit, now do you really want to stand back and correct what other people write
By #415959 at 11,Sep,13 13:39
I does just readed it. Wots wrong with it?
By #301038 at 11,Sep,13 13:42
Dunno, I c nutting wong...
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 14:08 other posts of bigguy 
Now we getting somewere's wit dis. posed to be some friends us. Pleez can we get bact to normal befoe I puls de big guns in ya?

PS Peach! can I PM you?
By #428387 at 11,Sep,13 14:20
Shoot da tiers is rowling doune mi ies
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 14:56 other posts of bigguy 
Man you are as crazy as I am!

By #409634 at 10,Sep,13 18:36
My attack... for all of you nosy SOB's calling me cold hearted.

Sep 9, 00:42 bigguy: bigguy has deleted Evil-Fairy from his/her friends Sep 9, 00:37 evil-fairy: Sweet, thanks. Sep 9, 00:32 bigguy: That's fine, you don't have to worry about anything I write about you anymore. I just try to be nice and give a compliment where it's due, no big deal. Have a nice night! Sep 9, 00:26 evil-fairy: Sometimes it feels that what you write is bullshiz, I don't find it flattertering actually, it feels...insincere like maybe you say it to everyone. Not trying to be mean, just that bugs a bit. Sep 8, 23:50 bigguy: I would like her to know that what I wrote was about the easiest thing I ever wrote about someone it flowed out just as your beauty flows. Completely honest and pure emotions spilling out. You do that to me!!

Sep 8, 23:47 bigguy: That was very sweet of Miss Rose!

Sep 8, 08:05 bigguy: You can shoot me the bird any time that is how sexy you are!!! Sep 3, 07:26 bigguy: I made a comment on another of your photo's. Other than your interaction with me which is ok, you get my vote for the sexiest woman on here, "by far"!! Aug 31, 21:16 bigguy: Well not BS. Your cute little saying like above your photo's and in the forum. Sorry if I hurt your feelings. Aug 31, 20:54 evil-fairy: BS? Aug 31, 07:42 bigguy: You always amaze me with the BS you come out with, lady you are very special and I really want to know you better!! That attitude of yours is absolutely beautiful!! For the sexiest woman thread on the forum I wanted to name you so bad I could taste it but you havn't interacted with me a whole lot so I didn't get the total effect. Now with saying that I don't want you to take that as me expecting you to do anything. You have always been extremely nice and polite to me and that means a lot. I will tell you here and now, overall you are the SEXIEST woman on here by far!!! And you didn't need to take a piece of clothe off!! You're a piece of art!! Aug 28, 09:36 bigguy: I miss you GORGEOUS!!!!

For me some of the comments were nice he didn't do anything per se, and I wasn't trying to hurt his feelings, but it was a bit too much.
Its kinda like the guy at the office that touches you whent they shouldnt or calls you "babydoll", "sweetheart", "dollface", or any combination of that.
Maybe I could have been "nicer" about it, but im a blunt person and don't beat around the bush. And again I know for a damn fact im not the only female that feels that way about some of the comments. Even men have said stuff about them being too much.

BG, just fuck tone it down a bit.
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 01:02 other posts of bigguy 
Truly sorry Fairy, never any harm intended! Only being nice to a beautiful, sexy lady! If that's wrong I will get down on my knees and beg you to forgive me. Please think it over carefully do you honestly think I said anything to you that was nasty or impolite. You really don't have to answer this is only a statement.
By #415959 at 11,Sep,13 01:17
Grovel, much??
By #390248 at 11,Sep,13 01:43

By bella! at 10,Sep,13 14:16 other posts of bella! 
I think Evil-Fairy summed it up in a thread she posted within the last 7 to 10 days, or so......

She is flattered when members appreciate and comment on her pics however some comments seem to "go beyond" and make her feel uncomfortable. Why not try simplifying your thoughts and comments?

Another thought, I'm not sure that this was the best avenue to resolve this matter.
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 01:22 other posts of bigguy 
Thanks Miss Bella I take what you say very seriously, you are a straight shooter. You know once being banned there is very little one can do to contact the other party. Like this I got peoples views good and bad and Fairy had her say. I hope this just dies out peacefully, Fairy can go her way and be happy and all of us get back to normal.

By Rose at 10,Sep,13 13:12 other posts of Rose 
I am so sorry bigguy. I honestly thought your comment was fantastic! I apologize that my comment started this. Rose.
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 01:12 other posts of bigguy 
Miss Rose you have nothing to say you are sorry for, your reply was beautiful and I really appreciate it. You are not the problem I assure you. Thanks very much you are very kind. I found out it is impossible to please everyone no matter how hard you try. Thanks again.

By #323005 at 10,Sep,13 18:45
You're an awful person Fairy, how could you. Up until now I though you were generally quite a nice little fairy but this forum post has completely changed my point of view.

You are a wicked fairy, not the squishy fairy i used to know
By #303133 at 10,Sep,13 19:18
What? The "evil" part didn't give it away? C'mon, dolphin! It's right there in her freakin' NAME!
(Not, btw, that there is anything wrong with a bit of evil... )
By #323005 at 10,Sep,13 20:09
It was just a bit of self entertaining melodrama, and anyway I am a confused dolphin.

(Damn straight, nothing wrong with a touch of evil)
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 00:53 other posts of bigguy 
To be completely honest I don't have a problem with Fairy she has all the right to feel how she pleases, but I do too!!

By #316255 at 10,Sep,13 20:05
Airing this on the forum was wrong.
By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 00:50 other posts of bigguy 
Emm, I will always respect you and I appreciate your opinion.

By bigguy at 11,Sep,13 00:46 other posts of bigguy 
I didn't start this thread to resolve anything, whats done is over. I'm not trying to change the results of what went on. If I would have been interested in having someone help to try and patch up the situation I would have asked for that. Exactly right it is between her and I to resolve but it is a little hard to do banned, it cuts off direct contact. Again I don't want to patch anything up she made herself perfectly clear that is why I got rid of everything about her. She had always been very nice and at any time could have told me to back-off. Well she did tell me and that is what I did back-off. I'm not going to re-produce what she said word for word from our PM's because that is what I thought they were PM's but i'm still going to respect what she sent and not mention it.
I really don't care what she does it's of no concern of mine, if she can't handle compliments or people being nice that becomes her problem. The main thing I started the thread for was to get input on if it is Ok to make decent nice, not vulgar comments on members photo's. Now after thinking it over to be on the safe side I will not comment on photo's anymore, period. Why not just do away with the portion of the site that allows the ability to do it? That way the members that don't want nice comments will not get them, makes sense to me. It has public access if you want to see the comment i'm talking about. Look at Evil-Fairy's photo's and find the one where she has a pretty little bikini bottom on, that's it, check it out and if I was out of line feel free to put me in my place. I have big shoulders I can take it, makes me think of Clint Eastwood

By #201583 at 10,Sep,13 19:58
Life is a cat and mouse game played in an endless mine field. You can either be the mine, the victim, or smart survivor. Just remember if you enter a mine field uninvited to at least use a lot of caution, and a whole lot of patience, as it's not your yard.

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