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Started by #428324 at 14,Sep,13 18:33
Similar topics: 1.over 60s 2.websites with caming females 3.Females on the mens site 4.Presence 5.Verify New CommentComments: |
1 - I leave a comment after visiting a mans page, IF I liked their pictures. If, I did not care for their pictures, I don't leave a comment. Is that fair? Or, should I say "Hi. I looked at your page, and didn't care for it"?
2 - Never, not even once, did someone say thank you to you? I don't always, especially if I do not care to continue chatting with the person. For example, when the message I receive is, "Your pics are hawt. Can I nut in u hunny ". I am not going to say thank you.
3 - Again, "Never" is a generalization. I have responded to requests, some, but not all. If you ask me to take a picture in the doggie position, with a banana up my ass, I won't even waste my time with a response.
4 - I can only speak for myself, but NO, I am not on this site to hear "You can suck me" or " I wanna nut in u hunny". So yes, I am tired of hearing those comments. For those people who I have developed a friendship/relationship with already, then hearing "I want to fuck you" is acceptable (you know who you are)! As a first line, it is pathetic!
I am straight (not that it matters), and like to look at the male body. That is just one of the reasons why I am on this site. I also enjoy chatting with people, male and female, who are capable of carrying on a conversation. Sometimes, I show off my body, if I want to. That is why this site is great, you get to say and do, what you want to. If they made a rule that everyone must show more consideration, according to your expectations, there would be very few members sticking around.
May I suggest that you relax, and just enjoy the site. Or, search for a kinder, more considerate dick/cunt site.
Anyhow off to cook dinner, sweep the floors , and obviously suck any random cock that requires it ! Afterall I am just a woman ! I know my place.
But, let's look at your #4 in a bit of detail, shall we?
Of course women are "tired of hearing comments like (I want to fuck you) or (you can suck me) Etc."--they are women, for gawd's sake...they have VAGINAS!!!!!...they hear that kind of shit EVERY FREAKIN' DAY!!!! Honestly, letting them know that you want to fuck them isn't that big of a deal. Get in line behind the other 500 hundred guys they have bumped into that day. I am sure that they are thrilled that you grant them permission to suck you. Big, hairy whoop! The ladies of this site are probably scrambling at the chance to talk to a guy who likes blowjobs (after all, most guys don't LIKE blowjobs.) You're going to have to bring something more to the table...
2. I, for one, do express appreciation. I will say, though, that we women get a LOT of comments, and many drop off the page before we can even see them and acknowledge them. Plus, we have lives outside of this site. Many are not here every day or whatnot.
3. Again, "Never". I do.
4. We can all share, at the top of our profiles, the reason for which we are here: to show ourselves off, view others' photos, etc. This site is about many things. But, in any event, I appreciate when a man will introduce himself like a human being before pummeling me with requests to do all manner of things to my orifices.
And to get consideration, one must give it. Coming on here and insulting us will not endear yourself to us. Just sayin'.
1. I will visit the page because I come across your picture or your posting and I want to check out the author. If I really like the pictures, I will send the owner a message or leave a comment. BUT ONLY IF I LIKE THE PICTURE. I see no point in saying something unflattering. I really doubt you would want to see "You'r pictures just dried my vagina and flattened my nipples, that's how much I didn't like you, your pictures or the choice of area pictured".
2. Uploading a picture without being asked for one, is liked and appreciated by very few women. If I want to check you out, I will go visit your page. By sending me a naked picture instead of saying "Hello", you are achieving 2 things, being ignored at first, and banned later.
3. Nah... I don't, unless the is an established friendship and I want to do something special for you. And I will never go outside my comfort zone. You'd be surprised what people ask for as an opening statement. I've been asked for pee pictures, naked in the snow pictures, cock in the ass pics, etc... and that's straight after "Hey", if that. How would you like if you received something like that: "Hello, you have a nice bum, I want to see a cornstock covered in jizz up your ass."
4. No, this is not what this site is about. It's a SHOW your dick/cunt, not TELL ME HOW YOU WANT TO FUCK ME SITE. I'm here to show my body and look at others. It's not a hookup site. You are extremely lucky if you can find someone for that purpose, but there are tons of other site that specialize in hookups. You want to get laid, take it there...
5. You enjoy looking at female bodies, great, enjoy, but don't expect much out of it, It is what it is, a gallery of naked pictures, not a whore house.
6. If you want better communication, I would suggest you stick with your age group. You are three times older than me, and with all due respect, no matter what you do, or say, it's not going to happen... and I will not enjoy looking at your pictures or having a sexy chat. Sorry, but I just don't have that fetish.
Peach you got me but I don't think I deserve the ax & age has nothing to do with it & I don't give a fuck if you look at my pictures or not. Your not that hot.
Stop whining. There are women on here and most of us thank people who leave responses on our photos.
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Tomarrow is motherinlaw
There's always a...
Chance you will learn how to spell, "Tomorrow".