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question: wondering how many of you would suck my cock?

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Started by hunnngry at 18,Sep,13 10:12  other posts of hunnngry
Let me know if you would suck my cock or what you would like to do with me im a horny country guy that dont get to hook up with men to often and mi have to jack it alot so reading your comments would help me get off.

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New Comment

By #417986 at 09,Oct,13 03:02
Id suck that dick any way any time you would want! to start with that is!!!! Im in MO too, which side are you on?
By hunnngry at 09,Oct,13 09:52 other posts of hunnngry 
Central near columbia

By #202451 at 08,Oct,13 01:08
if you keep your Adidas briefs on
--------------------------------------- added after 16 seconds

oh, and just to add
By hunnngry at 08,Oct,13 12:24 other posts of hunnngry 
I can keep them on but its gonna be hard to suck it with them on

By #350718 at 27,Sep,13 00:44
I'd suck it until you were ready then I'd jack you off into my mouth so I can taste your cum!
By hunnngry at 27,Sep,13 09:49 other posts of hunnngry 
Anytime you want
By #350718 at 28,Sep,13 02:02
I wish!
By hunnngry at 29,Sep,13 12:46 other posts of hunnngry 
I wish i could suck yours too
By #350718 at 30,Sep,13 20:47
MMmmmmm....a nice 69 position mutual sucking would be incredible. Then you could cum all over my face and naked body!
By hunnngry at 01,Oct,13 10:30 other posts of hunnngry 
Now your talking we need to set this up
By #350718 at 04,Oct,13 15:41
You need to come to NZ on holiday!
By hunnngry at 04,Oct,13 21:26 other posts of hunnngry 
Only if i could why dont you travel to the US we could def have a good time together
By #350718 at 07,Oct,13 23:47
I agree...we certainly would...I wish!

By bigone21 at 30,Sep,13 20:58 other posts of bigone21 
not for me, i'm not into cut cocks...

but, hey, hook up more & enjoy sex with other guys!!
By hunnngry at 01,Oct,13 09:53 other posts of hunnngry 
I plan on it to bad your not into cut cocks

By #393145 at 30,Sep,13 21:28
Nice cock man, I would definitely suck it.

By JeffinKS at 27,Sep,13 11:56 other posts of JeffinKS 
you bet! I'd love to suck your cock!! where in Mississippi are you? anywhere near Rolla?
By hunnngry at 27,Sep,13 12:25 other posts of hunnngry 

By #431771 at 27,Sep,13 07:09
I would suck you to the point of orgasm, then you can kneel between my legs and suck me for a while.
By hunnngry at 27,Sep,13 09:51 other posts of hunnngry 
I would in a second you have a nice cock

By #204766 at 21,Sep,13 18:06
I for one would most definitely suck your cock I would first lick your head then run my tongue down your shaft till your balls then I would slowly run my tongue up your big cock till I get to the head then I would slowly inch your big dick down my throat and then suck you really hard till you explode all over my face
By hunnngry at 22,Sep,13 07:27 other posts of hunnngry 
I would love that very much i can picture it

By #377688 at 20,Sep,13 11:16
By hunnngry at 20,Sep,13 12:17 other posts of hunnngry 
Nice dick

By #427539 at 19,Sep,13 14:09
Me and my wife and my motherilaw would suck it.
By hunnngry at 19,Sep,13 17:02 other posts of hunnngry 
Yes thats hot

By #407367 at 19,Sep,13 13:37
I am jacking off thinking of it as I am sucking you hard with your cock ring. You can also push it inside my asshole after I suck it. Think of me sucking as you jack it now!
By hunnngry at 19,Sep,13 17:00 other posts of hunnngry 
Ow yes i will def be thinking of you sucking me off

By hunnngry at 19,Sep,13 12:40 other posts of hunnngry 
Thanks for your comments keep them coming

By #112020 at 18,Sep,13 16:20
I would sick your cock and ride it.

By #358284 at 18,Sep,13 13:19
So, I see you're looking for a Cocksucker, Well HERE I AM!!

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