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Underage picts

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Started by #40385 at 25,Dec,09 11:35
If you've noticed more and more underage picts are coming up on this site

Lets join up and eradicate them or this site might get shut down, that would be too bad.

Similar topics: 1.A question...   2.ASK: UNDERAGE BOYS   3.Age Awareness -- Warning   4.Please vote or comment on my picts. ;)   5.Is anyone else into this  

New Comment

By #22008 at 25,Dec,09 19:59
There are some people who upload pics from the net.Some do a lot and others just one or two for a reason.I have recently uploaded ONE net pic because I thought it was so beautiful.It looks very "young" however it is from a certified legal site,and if you see all the contextual pics,you will see that the "boy" is undoubtedly over 18.I would not upload net pics as often as some do,but this was an exeption.If I had doubted its provenance I would have reported it to Google.Be careful who you aim false moral darts at.I am 62,but if I use good phototechnique I could easily take 10-20 years off my pics.Check your facts,freind!
By admin at 25,Dec,09 23:24 other posts of admin 
I do not think he was talking about you...
By #22008 at 26,Dec,09 01:59
I didn't think so,.but it can be a GREY area.Happy CHRITMAS
By MoeJoe at 26,Dec,09 08:34 other posts of MoeJoe 
I wasn't aiming my comment at anybody, but I do not know why people would want to post pics of those "young" looking guys, even if they are 18, they look 14 or some younger, and it attracts attention of those who would like to raise why draw that attention when we don't have to. If someone likes pics of very young looking guys, that's fine, but I would think it is prudent ot keep them to yourself....that's my take on it....

By MoeJoe at 25,Dec,09 15:52 other posts of MoeJoe 
Not only get shut down, but we could all get in trouble. If you see something that is suspect send a message to the Admin and he will delete them. He has been very good at getting rid of them, but we all have to keep him informed...he cannot police it all by himself.....we have to be aware as well.

Adult Discussion Forum