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Started by #394666 at 08,Oct,13 11:27
I've spent the last 30 minutes looking at mostly pussies and a few cocks and it finally dawned on me - it's NOT a cake/bakery site!!!

Imagine my shock and surprise when it hit me - durr, do I feel stupid!

Lots of beautiful pussies I'd like to taste though, so it's not a total washout!

Similar topics: 1.confused   2.Online men's site profile says "Not into hook ups" while featured pic is of nice big cock. lol   3.True or lie, an observation.   4.Confused   5.Young, tough and athletic, but confused  

New Comment

By bella! at 08,Oct,13 12:02 other posts of bella! 
Looking for a bakery/patisserie using the word creampie?
By #394666 at 08,Oct,13 22:15
It was only ever going to end in an awkward exchange in the bakery......
By #431354 at 08,Oct,13 22:19
I like shopping at the meat rack......
By bella! at 08,Oct,13 23:42 other posts of bella! 
The guy was at the bakery not the butcher shop!

By #201583 at 08,Oct,13 22:28
The Creampie is by far the most enjoyable to make.
By bella! at 08,Oct,13 23:43 other posts of bella! 
Hey YOU! Good to see you out and about!
By #201583 at 08,Oct,13 23:49
I'm sorry I haven't been on here much. I have been on a mission. Although hockey season slowed me down I hit 400 and I just started another rewrite.
By bella! at 09,Oct,13 00:04 other posts of bella! 

Adult Discussion Forum