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Started by hunnngry at 10,Oct,13 12:20  other posts of hunnngry
Any body have any hot military stories

Similar topics: 1.Military hookups in the military   3.Measurement -- Military Cock   4.Gay Men in Military Service   5.Russia-Ukraine  

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By #201583 at 11,Oct,13 22:19
My first field op I was assigned to this guys vehicle as an assistant driver. Everyone snickered and told me to pack a bunch of wipes, but they wouldn't tell me why. It was a high back hummer, so it only sat 2 in the cab.

We rolled out in convoy. I had our radio on the speaker so I didn't have to keep the handset to my ear. We turned off of the hardball and started our trek deep into one of the world's lagest training area's. He asked me if I could untie his plastic shopping bag, which everyone that goes to the field stops at the store and buys a bag full of snacks, or as we called it, geedunk. I took the knot out and handed him the bag. He pulled out a botbottle of pump lotion. Which I didn't think was too odd, as we were in the desert. He started to unbutton his fly, and I wanted to freak out. I turned my head for a spell. I smelled the lotion but I kept my eyes fixed on the horizon out of the passengers window. I heard the recognisable sounds of jerking over the hum of the engine. I turned in disbelief, thinking he was messing with the new guy. He was jerking, I flipped my eye's back out of the window. I couldn't believe the gull. He made me feel uncomfortable so I thought about returning the feeling. I turned back and started giving commentary. He smiled. His dick stayed hard. So I gave up and turned my head again. After a few more pumps of lotion and a long lenght of time I started to get pissed. I turned and said, "either put it away or I'm cutting it off," as I pulled out my pocket knife. He let go of the wheel with his left hand and held up one finger and he shot his load. I looked away. A call came over the radio requesting the driver specifically by call sign. He picked up the hand set with his lotion and cum covered hand. Then the asshole intentionally asked to speak to me with laughter in the background.

I rode shotgun with him for two years and he was made my room mate for a little over two years. At that time I wasnt aware of my sexuality. The guy loved to be watched. And over time it stopped bothering me until I figured out why Women didnt turn me on. Though he used some of my stuff to clean up on my first field op. I have hundreds of stories.
By hunnngry at 12,Oct,13 11:46 other posts of hunnngry 
Did you ever suck him or join him . I have never been in the military either and just wonder how fun it would be or how frightful it would be .being worried i wouldnt be able to hide it . Military men are such a turn on .i think my lust would get me in alot of trouble . Question i have to you do you know if there was ever a guy that was openly gay that people knew was that wouldkeep all the guys happy and no one messed with . Or is that just a fantacy of mine
By #201583 at 12,Oct,13 20:55
If I wanted to die. I was in during DADT. We had a gay guy who was found out, he managed to get hit by a bus that was doing 50 MPH, and I'm not exaggerating. My unit was put under the microscope by Washington as being violently the biggest anti-gay unit in the military. They were very dark times. I sat countless hours at strip clubs, bored out of my mind, just so I didn't get beaten up, or hung. I was picked up by countless women, and women can't even get me hard, just so I could fit in.
The feminine gays were quickly weeded out. Usually they were beaten and they would leave and never come back, UA (unauthorized absence.) I am a masculine gay, but I can get pretty flaky in the sack. We could have had 50 masculine gays in our unit, and nobody would have never known.

Guys flipped their junk out a lot. However, you had to either start laughing or get pissed off, because anything else was considered gay.

By spermkiss at 11,Oct,13 21:41 other posts of spermkiss 
Man, you've brought up a very interesting topic. Since I was never in the military service myself, I'd be very interested to hear what other members have to say about man-on-man sex there.

Now that don't ask don't tell has been abolished and integration of gay men into the military has been pretty much of a non-issue, the arguments by certain politicians and military brass seem rather ridiculous.

Even at the time they seemed ridiculous: "morale" and "unit cohesion". To think that man-on-man sex never occurred is absurd. Consider this, the military takes a bunch of fit young men at the peak of their sexual potency and puts them in an all male environment with little or no contact with women. Of course gay sex occurred. Always has and always will.

Sure, most men are heterosexual and the preferred orifice into which they'd like to shoot their load may be a pussy, but if that's not available they're willing to make do with a cocksuckers mouth. Some men are so totally straight that they could never have any kind of sex with another man, but most are a LOT more flexible. Especially when they're so horny they can't see straight.

It would seem to me that the cocksucker in the outfit would be a valued member. He's the guy who is giving sexual release to the others. If something happens to him, there goes everyone's source of satisfaction. They're going to watch his back.

It would seem to me that having a cocksucker in the outfit would ENHANCE morale not weaken it. Maybe the day will come when military leaders make sure there is a cocksucker in every outfit. 'Sounds like a dream situation to me. Where can I enlist?

Anyone who's actually been there care to comment?
By #201583 at 11,Oct,13 22:45
I was in a premier combat unit under DADT. Gays were beaten and killed. If you didn't go out with a large group, you were gay. If you didn't score with the chicks, you were gay. If someone thought they caught you peeking, you were gay.
Women picked me up, as I never even attempted to pick anyone up. I would drink heavily. When the ladys would try to give me head they would start to get pissed because I wouldn't get hard. I would tell them that alcohol killes my dick, and I would eat them out until they would crush my head and mutter, "no more." We would walk back to the club, she would have a smile, I would get the standard alpha male pat on the back.

After I found out that I was gay I rushed to move in with my friend (ex-wife). I tried not going out with the guys after that because I developed a crush on a friend. I would just go far away on the weekends with my bi wife and spend it with her and her gay and bi friends.

By #414822 at 11,Oct,13 15:19
When I was in the Army I had a room mate that I thought was sexy. I had this fetish about sniffing underwear after they were sweaty. He went to the shower one day after PT and I grabbed his undies and started sniffing them. I got excited and started jerking off. I had this feeling of being watched and removed his undies from my face and he had forgotten his shampoo and i did not hear him come back to the room. He was standing there watching me and it was very embarrassing. He dropped his towel and put his dick in my face and I sucked him. We had an affair until I got transferred.
By hunnngry at 11,Oct,13 17:03 other posts of hunnngry 
Wow what a story got me hard just reading it

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