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men in the military

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Started by #92834 at 01,Nov,10 13:16
Does anyone find men in the military sexy if so what service is the sexist to you? And does anyone have fantasys about having sex with them

Similar topics: 1.Military hookups   2.Measurement -- Military Cock   3.military   4.Gay Men in Military Service   5.Russia-Ukraine  

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By pifad at 02,Nov,10 02:37 other posts of pifad 
All the way Army. My first bf and I served together.

By #7976 at 01,Nov,10 18:28
I can't speak for the guys but when I was in the Navy, the best looking military women were always woman Marines. The best quick fuck was a woman Soldier. And a female Naval Officer was a lover you wanted to keep at all costs. Air Force women were stand offish and typically pent up. But the best and hottest women military of all were Israeli. They had a sense of danger and you knew they could hold their own in a fight yet they were as submissive a lover as you could want.

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