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any one in the north east of england?

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Started by #396616 at 13,Oct,13 19:38
im curious if there are any gay people in the north east of England?

Similar topics: 1.where to find a gloryhole place in north uk.....??   2.ANY UK LADS OUT THERE?   3.north west england in england   5.MANCHESTER ATROCITY  

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By bella! at 13,Oct,13 19:51 other posts of bella! 
Hmmm...... I'm not familiar with England, northeast or southwest so I humbly ask, is there an area designated solely for straight, gay or bi's. Is it possible that regardless of your sexual orientation, you are able to coexist anywhere and everywhere?
By #328554 at 13,Oct,13 20:33
I think the NE is one of the less liberal areas of England. That's not to say that there are no gays there but perhaps they are less well accepted than say the SE. No different than comparing Alabama with California, both have gays but as a gay person where do you think you're more likely to feel happy and welcomed?
By bella! at 13,Oct,13 20:45 other posts of bella! 
Perhaps I am naive but it is my opinion that any large city anywhere in the US would be a comfortable fit for gay/lesbian or any ethnicity, for that matter. I don't know much about Alabama, but your comparison seems unfair. Of course you would find more cosmopolitan cities thereby more populated cities in California OR would that be vice versa, more populated cities thereby maming them more cosmopolitan cities.....?

Ha! I just Google'd this information, one source said England is comparable in size to Michigan, Wyoming and Oregon another said Louisiana and Alabama. You, having lived in both the US and Englandn, you pick your city and state.

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