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Started by #436014 at 26,Oct,13 20:12
i've been gently caressing my meat pole here, feels nice. haven't cum for a couple days so it's more sensitive than usual.
SYD members, please see the pics of my pole, make comments, tell me what i should do with it, share your favorite meat pole experiences/stories/fantasies, etc.
Was once based on Diego Garcia , in the early days when no women were allowed . The most popular T shirt on sale in the PX was one depicting a scrawny chicken with a fist clenched around its neck , with the legend 'Every Week is Chicken Chokin' Week on Diego Garcia' . Those were the days !
Awwwwe , U R Soooooooooooooo Sweeeeeeeet "Cum4Steffi" ... TY 4 saying that ! You Always know what to say to put a smile on my face and a song in my heart !!!!
i could use lots of encouragement, it's only a semi-hard at the moment. did just get doing doing the finest manscaping job down there ever, though. clipper razors with adjustment attachments are a godsend. scrotum as smooth as a babys bottom. also got what i've been told many times are really big balls so that's a plus.