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group sex in woods.....hehehe....

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Started by #443077 at 03,Dec,13 10:30

Similar topics: 1.naked in woods   2.public toilet / woods fun   3.wanking in public toilets and the woods/parks etc?   4.threesomes and group sex kik group  

New Comment

By #431354 at 05,Dec,13 01:14
some are so busy here disecting every word ...even if it is spelled right ..I wonder why even post in forum? btw I find blacklisting people here is creepy, everyone is welcome in my chatroom and can comment on my forum posts
By bella! at 05,Dec,13 02:28 other posts of bella! 
You are more compassionate than I, perhaps more compassionate than most. I will argue that the post makes absolutely NO SENSE and the "hehehe....." is straight up weird. Check your "Man Card" for rules. Clearly your Man Card can be revoked if you giggle rather than laugh. Uh, get off some dem points and open a thread so that we can fu@k with you, you cheap b@st@rd!

As far as blacklisting someone, sometimes it's necessary. I've been blacklisted for something as silly as not responding to PM's to basically speaking, my attitude.
By #431354 at 05,Dec,13 16:17
hmmm...resorting to the card game are we... ..I love strip poker
By bella! at 05,Dec,13 21:57 other posts of bella! 
I noticed that you've edited your response.... I do apologize, the use of the word b@sr@rd was unnecessary and hurtful.
By #431354 at 05,Dec,13 22:02
I've not edited anything...
By bella! at 05,Dec,13 22:21 other posts of bella! 

By #159671 at 05,Dec,13 05:46
So I read all this dribble and no talk of sex in the woods? Me disapointed.
--------------------------------------- added after 13 seconds

I forgot to add ...hehehe...

By #440213 at 03,Dec,13 19:49
me waiting for the group to show

[deleted image]
By #159671 at 05,Dec,13 05:44

By Ray10754 at 03,Dec,13 10:54 other posts of Ray10754 
Hey how doing room
By bella! at 03,Dec,13 11:01 other posts of bella! 
Okay, so you've deciphered the 8 words but what the what? Group sex in woods.....hehehe.....hey..... how What's that supposed to mean? You know what I find disturbing? Yup! It's the hehehe......
By #122997 at 03,Dec,13 11:27
I was expecting a story or a request or something,
By bella! at 03,Dec,13 12:17 other posts of bella! 

By #68656 at 03,Dec,13 10:43
Could we kindly have a translation of the above code into plain English, please.
By bella! at 03,Dec,13 10:54 other posts of bella! 
Perhaps English is not this members first language. BUT IF IT IS, he would not be a shining example of our public school system......hehehe......

Adult Discussion Forum