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Arctic cold cum

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Started by #309526 at 07,Jan,14 19:59
Hey...just wondering...I'm up here in the Midwest where it's been subzero weather for a couple days now. I was outside working when I had the need to cum. In this cold semen freezes solid in an instant after shooting a load. I was able to take my cumload and eat it like a popsicle. Anyone ever do the same thing?

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New Comment

By #354861 at 10,Jan,14 06:04
Cum will not freeze instantly in this cold. It would take just as long as any warm liquid would to freeze.
By #358797 at 10,Jan,14 08:32
My thoughts exactly.
By #354861 at 11,Jan,14 02:05
It's true...if you can even keep it from trying to jump inside your abdomen in the first place. I've already tested that theory this week.
By #358797 at 11,Jan,14 04:31

By spermkiss at 09,Jan,14 16:22 other posts of spermkiss 
When you have lemons, make lemonaide! The cold weather you are having might be a bitch (man, I'm glad I live in California), but this sounds like making the best possible use of it. Enjoy your snack.

By #147052 at 09,Jan,14 16:00
I think your brain froze

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