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Happy birthday to all on this day

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Started by gradurgaur at 06,Feb,14 02:18  other posts of gradurgaur
To day 6 of feb is my birthday
I turn 36 years old..

I want to wish every one that have birthday to day
A happy birthday and may this day bring you joy and happyness and lot of presents and cake ...

happy birthday all

love from Iceland

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New Comment

By bella! at 06,Feb,14 12:15 other posts of bella! 
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear gradurgaur,

Happy Birthday sweet gradurgaur, I hope your day is as special and as beautiful as you.
By gradurgaur at 06,Feb,14 15:47 other posts of gradurgaur 
my dear bella thank you for the birthday song and the wishes I hope my day wil be good but clowd is over it right now my stepdad is in hosptial and going to surgery to remove his foot i feel so sad right now
By bella! at 06,Feb,14 17:51 other posts of bella! 
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Please try to make the best of your day.

By bella! at 07,Feb,14 12:55 other posts of bella! 
G'morning handsome. How is your step dad and how was your birthday?
By gradurgaur at 07,Feb,14 23:11 other posts of gradurgaur 
my birthday was very good thank you lovely
it was not as bad as i was told about my stepdad but is stil bad.the doctors open his wound that was on his foot and out came some nasty stuff so now the sweeling is going down so am hopefull that he wil be fine so he have stil his legs

By #170523 at 07,Feb,14 23:17
Hoping the best for your stepdad and a good recovery,
By gradurgaur at 08,Feb,14 00:18 other posts of gradurgaur 
thank you my friend you are very kind...
am sure he wil be fine and well

By #415959 at 06,Feb,14 17:12
Happy Birthday, Gradurgaur. You are a true gentleman.
By gradurgaur at 07,Feb,14 12:28 other posts of gradurgaur 
My dear 2nice thank you for the birthday wiches
am very honored

By #431354 at 06,Feb,14 07:35
Happy Birthday Mate Wishing You All The Best
By gradurgaur at 06,Feb,14 15:50 other posts of gradurgaur 
thank you Monted
for the birthday wishes
am very honored..

By #68656 at 06,Feb,14 08:05
Hello Grad.
Birthday greeting and best regards from Down Under.
By gradurgaur at 06,Feb,14 15:49 other posts of gradurgaur 
my dear JohnS
thank you for the birthday wishes
that was very kind of you and am very honored..

By *kmadeau* at 06,Feb,14 08:50 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Happy BD, sexy man, enjoy your day!
By gradurgaur at 06,Feb,14 15:49 other posts of gradurgaur 
my dear kmadeau
thank you for the birthday wish am very honored...

By #428387 at 06,Feb,14 08:43
My very best wishes coming your way .
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours

Hope I got this right
Til hamingju meр afmжliр
By gradurgaur at 06,Feb,14 15:48 other posts of gradurgaur 
my dear poolboy
юakka юйr kжrlega fyrir afmжliskveрjuna
you got it right
til hamingju meр afmжliр...was spot on...
thank you for the birthday wishes my dear friend

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