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Ladies of the site: What is a typical man like in bed?

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Started by #449110 at 09,Feb,14 08:17
I'm actually pretty generous with women and go down on gals for long periods of time, ask them what they like, and generally care about getting my girl off. I've heard that this is rare though. I've heard that most men just stick it and win. I've heard that most guys give you hardly any foreplay and could get less of a shit whether you cum or not? Is this so? If not what would you say that the typical man is like in bed?

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By #358797 at 09,Feb,14 17:39
I'm sort of inexperienced with men cuz I haven't been with many, but from my experience, I can agree. The ones I've been with were quite bland and boring. Don't get me wrong, I've had some awesome sex, but the amount of mediocre sex outweighs it by far.
I had one who would only fuck in two positions, missionary and doggy, and I had to beg him to try doggy. He didn't mind going down, but if he did, he either stopped before I came and tried to fuck it out of me (which rarely worked, and I cum rather easily, so that in itself says alot), or he expected anal afterwards.
Then I had been with a fella (for 6 years) who wouldn't touch/lick/fondle anything. Not even kisses from that fella! The sex was awesome at first, but as time went on, it got worse and worse. It got to the point I'd squeeze and fake an orgasm just to get him off me. I'd suggest new things, and he'd show no interest. I even brought other girls home to share, my only rule was he couldn't cum in them (I'm greedy when it comes to my men. My man, my cum. Lol).

It's no wonder I prefer girls.
By johnp at 26,Feb,14 03:38 other posts of johnp 
Heads up arexa dudes w big ole cocks DO NOT eat pussy as well as a guy who...shall we say...feels less secure with is dick size! We give oral 110%!!!!!

By #316255 at 15,Feb,14 11:10
Apart from my first boyfriend, the rest have been below par.
By johnp at 26,Feb,14 03:35 other posts of johnp 
Cum visit me emm!!

By #360796 at 10,Feb,14 05:48
We're all different, it's the person and how they're raised I've had women I couldn't keep up with even slightly, others were like dead fish, some were a amazing, I'm no sex god but I pay attention to the needs

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