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Guys Which Would We Rather Have?

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Started by #11299 at 12,Apr,09 20:12
The ladies have spoken with words and by taking away pics and potentially leaving the site. Which would we rather have: More Happy Ladies or MrCockman

That is an easy one for me--I would rather have more happy ladies!! Hey MrCockman you jerk off, how about you get off the site and make it a better place for everyone?? Either that or just shut up. You are making this a bad place for the guys--it is just time one of us spoke up.

Similar topics: 1.sissies   2.Why are so many guys bisexual ?   3.Do all straight guys have gay fantasies?   4.Gays guys fucking women   5.Have all guys or most guys played with a cock at sometime in their life?  

New Comment

By #7976 at 04,May,09 02:55
I don't know about MrCockman but more happy ladies would always be appreciated. Especially the ones who write often and talk with a sexy intelligence. I love the ones I have met and speak with regularly on-site but I could always make a few more friends.
By #485312 at 14,Oct,19 00:56
yes more ladies that talk sexy would be very wanted and welcomed, more erotic writing and women who interact with others ... *lix*

By #580363 at 26,Mar,19 15:16
I hate pussy gross I love serving men's dicks

By #8837 at 14,Apr,09 13:10
He may be an a-hole, but just ignore him! All he wants is attention. Don't give it to him!
By #3997 at 01,May,09 22:03
he does want it, but something has to give you know, i still wont let him bash me or anyone else, i already said i was willing to throw in the towel, if we can all be civil, not every comment will be to someones liking, but no need to call any of the women on this site B*****S, calling me a N***A its not needed, thats all i am trying to say and get across

By #12373 at 01,May,09 21:27
i like both men and women and neither should be chased off so mrcockman ur not a mr or a man just a cock
By #3997 at 01,May,09 22:00
lol thats pretty funny

By #5273 at 13,Apr,09 20:48
you are letting the women control the site dont you see!!! their bribing you all with pictures of themselfs. god dam half of them are men anyways..
By #7468 at 13,Apr,09 23:48
Would you please get real. You really have out done yourself this time. We do not want to control the site, we just want the guys to behave at a higher than 3rd grade level. I would think that unless you are gay you would want to find out why there are so few ladies on this site and then make it better for everyone. But, that is not your way--you are very selfish and self absorbed. Unfortunately for you, it is a very small club--it has a membership of 1---you.
By #3997 at 14,Apr,09 02:26
hystyker thats why he has no friends on his page, its not about having the women control, its about having a good time, and sharing pics, just because the women show themselves to us, cause thats what this site is all about, but that doesnt mean they should be disrespected, thats what this is about
By #7468 at 14,Apr,09 03:07
Thanks again! You are always right on the money! I always appreciate your insights and class! Please look me up when we are both on, I do not think we have ever talked.
By #3997 at 14,Apr,09 17:27
Your welcome hystyker, just being honest and being myself, just like you, and a few others seem to be, but its only seems to be a few of us that care about the morale of this site, best wishes to all, and i will look you up the next time, take care

By #9834 at 16,Apr,09 14:51
How True, with you a 100 percent Supablack
By #3997 at 16,Apr,09 15:54

By #3997 at 13,Apr,09 14:27
If you read some of the other discussions you will know my vote, he is just rude and doesnt care, i vote for him to go

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