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Started by #316255 at 15,Feb,14 23:10
Do they vanish after a while? Or is there a maximum number we can have on here?

Similar topics: 1.New feature - Blogs   2.Best rated blogs   3.Any good Blogs?   4.Is it just me, or does there seem to be a lack of Blogs about BBC?   5.blogs...  

New Comment

By bella! at 16,Feb,14 00:15 other posts of bella! 
I believe that there is a maximum of 20 visible blogs that a member is allowed, anything more than that drops off into an "archive". The blogs and messages on you profile wall seem to be limited to 20 entries.
By #316255 at 16,Feb,14 00:57
I'm going to guess there is no way to access the archives, is there?
By bella! at 16,Feb,14 05:29 other posts of bella! 
I don't think so, but that's a question that admin would most likely need to respond to.
By kebmo at 10,Nov,16 09:16 other posts of kebmo 
I currently have 37 blog stories and they are visible.
By bella! at 10,Nov,16 12:03 other posts of bella! 
Please notice that that question was posed over two years ago by Emm because her blogs would drop off. Since then, admin has made many significant enhancements, one being with the number of blogs.

Adult Discussion Forum