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Is my cock normal?

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Started by #451772 at 20,Feb,14 19:09
Hi guys n girls this is my first post My cock is uncut but with a pretty tight foreskin which means my foreskin doesn't go back when I'm hard is that normal? Hope to hear from you guys n girls soon

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By marine85 at 23,Feb,14 17:35 other posts of marine85 
I wouldn't worry about it unless it becomes an issue with having sex as it did with my in-law. His was so restrictive that it was actually reducing his flow and not allowing his seed to get far enough. He ended up having to be circumcised at age 30. My niece was born about a year later. If this is not a problem for you, then I would not worry about it.

By Emerald at 23,Feb,14 04:28 other posts of Emerald 
Well, my foreskin stays all the way over the head when hard, so as far as I'm concerned, that's perfectly normal. I can't speak for other people, though - but until it's announced on the 7 o' clock news that foreskins are henceforth required to retract on erection, I'm going to stick with normal.

Even if your skin is so tight that you can't pull it back all the way, there are so many with similarly shaped cocks and foreskins that I am inclined to say that this is a normal variation too. Perhaps a more interesting question is whether it causes you any discomfort. If so, there are probably an abundance of people out there who would just love to give it some gentle exercise to stretch it. Tight foreskins are hot!

By Raypark at 21,Feb,14 09:41 other posts of Raypark 
Looks very normal to me and friggin hot too

By james73 at 21,Feb,14 04:15 other posts of james73 
I would say that you are tighter than average, but still within normal. Check out suckit for someone closer to the extreme. Personally, it kinda turns me on!

[deleted image]

By #384365 at 20,Feb,14 20:28
Yes, I should say so. Looks OK to me.
By #451772 at 20,Feb,14 20:37
Thank you nice cock mate
By Sickboy at 21,Feb,14 01:45 other posts of Sickboy 
It's all good

By slipper at 21,Feb,14 01:28 other posts of slipper 
"Normal" is highly over-rated!!! You're good!

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