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Open Marriages/Relationships

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Started by #451600 at 20,Feb,14 21:47
Anyone else had sex with women that are in one? I have twice...first one was for about 2 1/2 years, even met the hubby, coolest guy in the world and knew I was banging his wife two or three times a week at my place.

Second one a few years back, hubby didn't want to know about who she is with as long as she was coming home to him and doesn't leave her....

Best arrangement there is!

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New Comment

By spermkiss at 21,Feb,14 16:13 other posts of spermkiss 
When I was in my early thirties and had been an out gay man for more than ten years I had an affair with a woman. She knew I was gay and was totally cool with that. It lasted for about nine or ten months and was always an open relationship, though we were regarded as a couple in our circle of friends. I never stopped thinking of myself as a gay man while it was in progress. As I was fond of saying at the time and ever since, she's fucking other men and so am I.

Adult Discussion Forum