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Relationships ... How Many Have You Been In ?

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Started by CreativeOne at 19,Nov,12 01:26  other posts of CreativeOne
How Many Partners Have You Been With So Far ? I know alot have been with hundreds , but I'm sure there are a few that have only been with just a few ! ..... Me , I just figured it out and I have only been with 6 (Sexually) and 18 total ! Most of my relationships were long term ! So I guess that's why I didn't get around that much
"How about You" ???

Similar topics: 1.Sex n Relationships!   2.Cuckold relationships   3.The whole Daddy and Son thing   4.Thoughts on long distance relationships (from male/female)   5.Sexy Mature Women: Opinions, thoughts, advice  

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By 3fdfd at 26,Nov,12 14:29 other posts of 3fdfd 
how do you define "relationships" ? - 2 if you mean the 2 I had sex with & eventually married
By CreativeOne at 04,Mar,13 14:47 other posts of CreativeOne 
Wow ... only 2 ? That truly is amazing "3fdfd" !!!

By #164428 at 19,Nov,12 04:02
Hi, Sweetie! First, you need to make that number seven--with me!

About five relationships and 12 sexual partners.
By CreativeOne at 19,Nov,12 15:16 other posts of CreativeOne 
Awwwwwe , you are so sweet miss Steffi !!!
Thank You for saying that ... you Always know just the right thing to put a on my face !!!
By #164428 at 19,Nov,12 23:15
Love you, Babe. You are such a dear friend, and such a hot specimen of masculinity...I love putting smiles on your face, and if I had the opportunity, I would surely rock your socks! I would love to simply hang with you, too. You owe me a billiards game!
By CreativeOne at 21,Nov,12 02:38 other posts of CreativeOne 
I would love to play with you "Cum4Steffi"

Oh and "Thank You" so much for what you said here sweetie , you truly are Sooooooooo Sweet and I am so lucky to know you !!! and Hugs too
By #164428 at 21,Nov,12 03:03
We should talk soon. I really do want to meet up in person! Thank you, Darling. Likewise on all counts!
By CreativeOne at 22,Nov,12 13:30 other posts of CreativeOne 
You're Soooooooo right "Cum4Steffi" ... We should talk soon and as Always , stop by anytime as I really enjoy talking with you !!!

By #159671 at 20,Nov,12 00:32
For me, only Two or, I'll say three serious ones, but then add to that 14 other sex partners. Still looking for more pussy though!

By naked-porn at 19,Nov,12 22:30 other posts of naked-porn 
4 longterm relationships 6 in total...see my blog

By boc at 19,Nov,12 10:54 other posts of boc 
7 long term relationships. About 15 sexual partners.

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