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Which SYC Members would you want to have in a threesome?

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Started by #451600 at 28,Feb,14 15:44
I'd have my top 5 be (not in any particular order)...

Wofemale - Her fit body would make any man have to do P90X every day for the rest of their life to keep up with her
Shelby - A body made for porn
Naughty_F - Wow...just wow!!
*StarLover* - Something about that woman makes me want to tie her up and do nasty things to her against her will
Spendidbliss - Amazingly sexy, and I'd probably learn a thing or two from her..

Similar topics: 1.Threesome   2.Threesome.   3.My gfs request!!!   4.First DP "words of advice please and info please"   5.Looking for threesome for my hot wife.. big cocks only!  

New Comment

By #443664 at 28,Feb,14 18:03
Arexa52 and Missjulie
By #358797 at 03,Mar,14 05:16
I'm flattered.

By #342651 at 01,Mar,14 03:26
Love itt haha! I don't even do p90x so it would be fun for all
By qqqq1234 at 02,Mar,14 00:21 other posts of qqqq1234 
Well, whatever yo do works well

By #449110 at 02,Mar,14 00:37
I'd take you and Arrexa
By #358797 at 02,Mar,14 05:02
Would you, now?
By #449110 at 03,Mar,14 04:18
Hey lady leave me alone. Let me have my fantasy damn it!
By #358797 at 03,Mar,14 05:15
Never said you couldn't, silly goose.

By #445126 at 28,Feb,14 21:13
Pifad and justmen
By pifad at 01,Mar,14 20:17 other posts of pifad 

By *kmadeau* at 01,Mar,14 16:07 other posts of *kmadeau* 
/member.php?w=431354 his honorable royal ass is such an adorable piece

/member.php?w=415959 to show him "against the will" what the nice fuck is to mean...

By #415959 at 28,Feb,14 17:37
Slightly concerned about the, "against her will" comment...
By bigguy at 28,Feb,14 18:18 other posts of bigguy 
By #451600 at 28,Feb,14 23:15
Starlover and I are friends, she would let me.
By #415959 at 01,Mar,14 01:14

Most everyone, including my friends are very appreciative when I do things against their will.
By #451600 at 01,Mar,14 01:58
Oh Jesus it's a fantasy post, fuck get a grip.
By #451552 at 01,Mar,14 03:15
your fantasy is to **** someone? wow
By #358797 at 01,Mar,14 07:29
Oop! Hold up. Gotta glorify it. a friend is just soooo much more acceptable than a stranger. Pfft.

(Disclaimer: Sarcasm is harder to detect through the written word... )

By slipper at 01,Mar,14 06:33 other posts of slipper 
Actually, I've "met" too many neat people here to list!

By pifad at 28,Feb,14 18:15 other posts of pifad 
Bratwurst and Shortop

By #358797 at 28,Feb,14 17:14
I'm confused. How do you have a threesome with your top 5?

Adult Discussion Forum