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Why guy loves black women

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Started by #340774 at 11,Mar,14 21:02
I am a white and I am only attracted to black women. Any theories on why?

Similar topics: 1.BLACK WOMEN   2.mixed races   3.Big black cock tribute my wife   4.Black Pussy   5.Who else loves black and white photos?  

New Comment

By bigguy at 13,Mar,14 17:19 other posts of bigguy 
I'm going to be completely honest with my thoughts as they came to me. You made a statement and asked a question so here is actually what I think. If you are only attracted to black women and not "women" in general my theory is that you are dumb or stupid! Remember, you asked!!

By bella! at 11,Mar,14 23:06 other posts of bella! 
Why are you atrracted to black women? Because you are, plain and simple. Why are men/women attracted to blondes? Because they are. Why are men/women attracted to big boobs? Because they are. You prefer black women and that's all there is to it.

Adult Discussion Forum