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*Six degrees*

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Started by #444014 at 31,Mar,14 12:53
Users of syd/syc....I am assuming that most people are familiar with the term 'Six degrees of separation'

'Six degrees of separation is the theory that anyone on the planet can be connected to any other person on the planet through a chain of acquaintances that has no more than five intermediaries. The theory was first proposed in 1929 by the Hungarian writer Frigyes Karinthy in a short story called "Chains."'

Users of syd/syc 'Do you have six degrees of separation that you would like to share ?'

Movies are always good for this

Pick a movie star'Kevin Bacon' is the one everyone will know for this game.
Then pick another movie star 'Will Smith'.
Then find a connection from Kevin Bacon to Will Smith in six steps or less....any takers ?

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New Comment

By #444014 at 01,Aug,14 20:01
Beer,beer,beer,beer,beer and guess what ?more beer...
By Sickboy at 01,Aug,14 20:05 other posts of Sickboy 
now I need a beer!

By #362765 at 29,May,14 08:59
This means all members of SYD should be able to personally link with any other member in 6 "steps" so we can all be comfortable talking about anything because we all know each other.
By Sickboy at 29,May,14 19:06 other posts of Sickboy 
My phone was reapeting so I edited!!

By Sickboy at 29,May,14 19:07 other posts of Sickboy 
i have been looking into this!...but my brain hurts!!

By Sickboy at 29,May,14 19:01 other posts of Sickboy 
Carrot Top and Don Rickles -Dennis the Menace Strikes Again Don Rickles and Robert DeNiro - Casino Robert DeNiro and Elisabeth Shue -Hide & Seek Elisabeth Shue and Kevin Bacon -Hollow Man??

By #358797 at 09,Apr,14 03:56
Kevin Bacon's last name is Bacon, bacon comes from a pig... There was a pig in the Simpson's movie named Spiderpig... Spiderpig does what a spider pig does... He doesn't swing from a web because he's a pig.. But Spiderman does... There's a song called "Here He Comes" that samples the Spiderman theme from the 60's... And Will Smith sings it.

There. I did it. Woohoo.

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