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Do guys with big cocks get erections past 45 degrees?

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Started by #176487 at 12,Dec,11 23:15
Do guys with big cocks get erections which get above the 45 degree mark? All the big cocks that I have seen seem to struggle to reach the horizontal, except when they give it a "helping hand". Mine cock gets past the 45 degrees mark for a smaller guy.

Similar topics: 1.Wife's past cocks?   2.What about the boys only showing erections?   3.*Six degrees*   4.No morning erections   5.Why is it that dick seem bigger on the internet than than in every day life when soft?  

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By #488923 at 02,Jun,18 14:40
Yes, mine is getting on for 7" and goes well past 45 degrees but it 'depends'. On how horny you are and also how old you are. The older the less likely to be above 45 degrees.
By #463848 at 05,Jun,18 12:46

By #551324 at 05,Jun,18 11:45
Of course. Take a look.

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By Michael19 at 05,Jun,18 07:59 other posts of Michael19 
Yup. See my pics

By #121361 at 04,Jun,18 11:31
[deleted image]

By #555742 at 03,Jun,18 02:08
I don’t have a big cock by any means. It’s just a bit above average but mine is a bit crooked and leans to the left. It’s arched. I don’t think it’s because of length and I don’t think the errect tilted because of length. Some cocks are naturally crooked.
By #539358 at 03,Jun,18 17:40
Exactly the same as mine. 5” erect with a bend to the left and sticks up too

By Ex__4 at 03,Jun,18 17:30 other posts of Ex__4 
By #539358 at 03,Jun,18 17:39
Oh yes!

By DeepThroatThis at 30,May,18 19:41 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
I'm always fighting gravity
By kebmo at 02,Jun,18 19:50 other posts of kebmo 
So you're gravitationally gifted?

By Dong69 at 31,May,18 01:37 other posts of Dong69 
Girth has a big part in it, i am fat , and hell no its not getting up that high!!

By Dong69 at 31,May,18 01:30 other posts of Dong69 
Girth has a big part in it, i am fat , and hell no its not getting up that high

By #537175 at 30,May,18 20:04
My bf is a big lad (8 inches ) and his erection sticks flat against his body , except when I'm blowing it

By #6568 at 30,May,18 18:00
Although mine is not really 'big' like some men here it IS a bit over average and has always stood pretty much up against my belly when I'm fully aroused and ready.....

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Actually, it's not without it's danger for injury as a women only has to get a bit excited and throw herself forward and the ligatures are pulled painfully....I have had a couple of near disasters and, apparently, it's difficult to be repaired surgically. A "horizontal2 erection can be pulled down without risk.
By kebmo at 30,May,18 19:21 other posts of kebmo 
I think the questioner was wondering what it's like when you're standing up.

By #552168 at 30,May,18 17:51
Mine is 16.5 cm, not big, just average
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By Greek18cm at 17,Oct,16 01:43 other posts of Greek18cm 
I do not consider i am huge. Other people say i am big.

Although i have a horizontal erection.

It is been years since my cock look up..

By #335537 at 15,Oct,16 06:21
Mine goes straight
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By phart at 14,Oct,16 12:39 other posts of phart 
damn,I didn't realize this was a issue.Mine hugs the stomach when hard and it hurt like hell when the girlfriend tried to sit up straighter when she was riding me.

By bigone21 at 06,Feb,12 22:45 other posts of bigone21 
90 degrees... i blame gravity!! haha!! i'm always at the right angle though!!
By kebmo at 14,Oct,16 10:57 other posts of kebmo 
It's more convenient for the person sucking it if it's at that angle.

By WristThick at 28,Sep,16 03:54 other posts of WristThick 
No. Mine is level with the floor. I think it's literally too heavy to point higher than that.

By #486087 at 27,Sep,16 20:44
i'm sure above

By kebmo at 27,Sep,16 20:25 other posts of kebmo 
I think the questioner is asking about the 45* mark when you're standing. I barely qualify for this group but I just looked at my most viewed pics and they are at or slightly more than 45* when I'm "rock hard".

By #17887 at 13,Dec,11 05:31
Look at jacksky91 he's huge and it curves up to the ceiling
By #486087 at 27,Sep,16 17:42
it was my nickname when had other profile ahah...thank u again

By #519017 at 27,Sep,16 17:14
Yeah! See my stocker pointing at the ceiling!
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By #427539 at 01,Sep,13 19:55
Usually cocks get hader when inside my ass i been fucked standing up and even big cocks had no problem going straigth up my asshole
By bella! at 02,Sep,13 19:55 other posts of bella! 
Although your post has absolutely nothing to do with the topic posted, that sounds like useful information. Have a limp dick penetrate your asshole and allow it to get hader once inside. Do you recommend libe?

By Gntlmn at 06,Feb,12 22:26 other posts of Gntlmn 
more than 45 [deleted image]
By #415059 at 05,Aug,13 01:08

By steve3095 at 04,Aug,13 12:37 other posts of steve3095 
I go to about 70 degrees

By #409634 at 09,Jul,13 01:47
You should be able to pop a boner in all degrees except subzero, than your stiff will ne natural.
By #23212 at 04,Aug,13 06:00
At 45єC(113єF) I wouldn't care about how stiff it is; just how to get into some air conditioned place ASAP.

By Bendy at 04,Aug,13 02:06 other posts of Bendy 
ef="//showitoff.org/wmdx4axnsjrlpic.html">lol... so floppy. Mine doesn't even penetrate quite often cuz it's so big

By #124665 at 09,Jul,13 00:26
Not sure I qualify But my dick points up and gets hard enough to pound nails, my erection quality is almost always 100% A lower angle erection can also have to do with how tight the dorsal ligament is. This is what they cut when you have penis surgery allowing the inner penis to come out more and therefore making you longer, but then even when erect, the angle will be pointing down as there is nothing really to pull it up.

By Bendy at 08,Jul,13 21:47 other posts of Bendy 
Yes... Mine is so big that it's actually flimsy, and bends all over when it's fully erect

By #139037 at 05,Feb,12 19:41
My 7 incher doesn't have any problem standing proud and strong. Dunno the exact degree, but

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should be enough proof. Dunno though if mine qualifies as 'big'.
By bigone21 at 06,Feb,12 23:12 other posts of bigone21 
great cock, great body! perfect 45 degrees angle! just beautiful!!

By #199530 at 05,Feb,12 21:15
Mine almost never does, yes it is true that a really large cock does get erections as hard as a small one, but a few times in my life I have seen it rise up to the 45 degrees, that is only when I'm super excited, like the first time I was getting a bj
on those ocations my cock has also been bigger than normal, its is 9.4inches, but that time it was 10.2
By bigone21 at 06,Feb,12 23:01 other posts of bigone21 
you measured while getting your first blowjob?? really??? and 0.8 inches longer?? are sure your brain had enough b l o o d-supply?? strange story...

By jocstfr at 04,Feb,12 15:18 other posts of jocstfr 
mine is 8.5 inches and points straight up most of the time

By gravy69 at 13,Dec,11 03:07 other posts of gravy69 
mine hard as a rock is about 8 inches never ever passes horizontal its almost to top heavy but i lost some
weight so it did contribute to the length alittle

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