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Started by #457340 at 06,Apr,14 21:20
Who loves fucking and smoking the good ganja (I sure do)

Similar topics: 1.Sex on weed...what you think abou it?better than drunk sex?   2.Hello i am hanna   3.420 people   4.weed n cocks york weed  

New Comment

By #112374 at 08,Apr,14 19:28
Smokers are jokers, nothing like a bitty self inflicted COPD, so much better things you can do with your money
By #408374 at 12,Apr,14 04:52
I dont smoke myself but honestly; every cigarette is worse. Every beer is worse, well if youre american: forget about the beer.
Weed is not bad for you, proble is you can get lost in the weed-world
By #112374 at 12,Apr,14 12:21
Actually smoking weed can cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and can still decomponsate your lung function. Personally it's not something I'm interested in paying for. It is also linked to anti social behaviour and crime as is alcohol, I'm not much of a drinker myself anymore.
By #408374 at 12,Apr,14 23:04
You can get heart problems from butter. The dose makes the poison.
Weed is better than alcohol and cigarettes.
By #112374 at 13,Apr,14 00:51
True it's about what you chose to but in your body and in what quantity... And what's following the law too
By #354861 at 13,Apr,14 01:06
Don't waste your time trying to convince people it is wrong. They only spit in your face for it and come up with silly excuses as to why it is not. That's what addicts do.
By #408374 at 13,Apr,14 05:03
Haha I dont even smoke weed, you uninformed frog.
The only addiction from pure weed will be in your head. Your body wont miss it unlike cigarettes, alcohol or coffein.
Would you be able to live 3 days without cigarettes and coffee?

By #408374 at 13,Apr,14 05:10
My opinion on that: either forbid coffee, tabaco and alcohol or allow weed aswell.
Its a shame that this is forbidden.
Legalizing it would harm many real criminals, those who shoot and kill themselves to sell weed. Plus it would bring some money in - taxes.
And when its legal it will be healthier because it would be pure then and wouldnt contain chemicals.

Good clean weed is super expensive.
By #358797 at 13,Apr,14 05:13
Agreed. Plus, the plant has many other uses besides consumption.
By #408374 at 13,Apr,14 07:16
It looks very good in your room. Smells nice. And you can bait young ladies.

By #112374 at 13,Apr,14 10:05
Weed I think kills any motivational drive you may have, for someone who likes to constantly keep busy that's a personal issue I have. It's true studies have shown weed is less addictive and possibly less harmless than other stuff people put into they're bodies but again like alcohol it's associated with anti social behaviour but the physiological effect of alcohol on the CNS is probably just better researched and understood. But for the record for someone who has terminal or chronic illness, and at a certain age i agree with medicinal use of marijuana for regulated palative care
By #408374 at 13,Apr,14 10:18
You probably were never in germany in young social circles. Its anti-social if you dont take the joint or get drunk from time to time. Ive earned some very strange looks...

Just stick to; I dont really like but I also dont really dislike weed. Just a personal taste to me.
Though I have to say; Weed only kills motivational drives when you overdo it.
By #112374 at 13,Apr,14 11:02
No I haven't, thankfully the company I keep respect my choices. And I'll stick to not liking weed thanks. And I'll take your word for the dosage effect cause I won't know. I'm impressed by your knowledge on weed despite the fact you don't take it.
By #408374 at 13,Apr,14 11:17
My company respects my choices aswell but its like declining alcohol, tv, videogames or similar to them.
I used to smoke weed but its not my kind of a fun evening, I like having a clear head. This because it was something to try because everybody does it and speaks so good about it. Many of my friends and buddys smoke it on a regulary basis, I see how it changed and not changed them. Theres my knowledge from.
By #354861 at 14,Apr,14 04:24
Wrong again. Everybody does NOT do it and certainly not EVERYBODY speaks so "good" about it. Your continued absurdities have become quite amusing though.
By #408374 at 14,Apr,14 09:59
Ok, youre right. And now tell me if Im happy with my life and do I love my family? I thought I knew the answers but now.....
By #354861 at 14,Apr,14 21:43
Sarcastic as that is, i don't really care if you are or not. The shovel is on its way. Keep digging a bigger hole for yourself with your ridiculous comments.
By #408374 at 15,Apr,14 00:13
Face it: Weed is everywhere and absolutely normal for people under 25 years, evn when a few dont consume it. But those few people arent against it.
By #354861 at 15,Apr,14 00:42
Do you try to sound ridiculously stupid with what you're saying, or does it just come naturally?
By #408374 at 15,Apr,14 01:06
Oh, the master who knows anything cant answer that? Holy shit, world ends soon!

By #358797 at 13,Apr,14 01:26
It's no sec.ret I have issues with badboytheonly1, but I agree completely with his statement. There's many things worse than a naturally occurring plant.

By #289712 at 13,Apr,14 10:56
Only ever made me hungry, never horny.. However, when I was younger and stupider, at times I would take a bit of coke or speed occasionally. Both would get me ultra horny, resulting in some of the best sex sessions I've had. When high I loved to masturbate. So much more intense, and lasted for hours. Big fucking orgasms

By spermkiss at 08,Apr,14 13:16 other posts of spermkiss 
Hey, I was a young adult in the sixties when the holy trinity was sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll. And I did a LOT of all three. Weed and sex just go together, hand in glove.
By #408374 at 12,Apr,14 04:52
All three goes together. Even nowadays.

By #431354 at 08,Apr,14 19:37
I do drugs sex and rock and roll ......
By #415959 at 09,Apr,14 00:52
You go, Montard! Afterward...say, why don't we plagiarize more online diarrhea for your "BLOG"?
By #431354 at 09,Apr,14 03:31
we haver a winner
By #415959 at 10,Apr,14 23:25
Not quite sure why, "we haver a winner"?

But, it would be very noble and respectful on your behalf, if you would un-blacklist me...

Mr. Monted...
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

We have much to discuss...
By bella! at 12,Apr,14 04:21 other posts of bella! 
Haha! The worm turns! Not2nice, please let me know when or if this happens so I can reciprocate; I will send you insulting messages and drop a shit pile on your page.

By #450957 at 09,Apr,14 00:38
All of my senses have been made dull because of pot. I feel worthless if I smoke it. I haven't smoked anything in the last 30 yrs.

By andrew999999999 at 08,Apr,14 20:34 other posts of andrew999999999 
If you can be arsed to have sex after smoking weed, it's probably shit weed.
By Sickboy at 08,Apr,14 22:24 other posts of Sickboy 
.....puff puff pass.

By #188764 at 08,Apr,14 14:15
Masturbating while high is especially pleasurable. It definitely facilitates extended edging, and produces an incredibly intense orgasm.

By #68656 at 07,Apr,14 09:16
Dear Mr. Kiss.

Please feel free to go ahead and stuff yourself with marijuana until the smoke comes out where the sun does not shine and later on with the harder narcotics and synthetic substances, enjoy the added piquancy that bleach and various other ingredients add. Remember that dr-ug dealers and clandestine laboratories have your health and best interests as their first priority.

If you get a few moments to spare in your smokey haze go for a visit on your flying carpet and visit the ER of a major hospital or better still a dr-ug rehabilitation facility.

Also note what "photocock" says as it is good advice.
By #136427 at 07,Apr,14 11:50
Dude relax, go drink 30 beers. Cuz you can... Just because its not legal does not mean its not safer than something that is.
By #68656 at 07,Apr,14 12:20
I do not drink alcohol, I have no need to plus having seen the damage it can cause who would want to.?
Mr. Kiss can wreck his life and he is more than welcome to do so (one less druggie as they say).
By #136427 at 08,Apr,14 11:45
Exactly the damage alcohol can cause. At least we agree on something

By cockalisious at 07,Apr,14 12:50 other posts of cockalisious 
i defenitly love the combination of being high and having sex

By #136427 at 06,Apr,14 22:27
I love it, sex weed is awesome!!!

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