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Happy St George's Day

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Started by #444014 at 22,Apr,14 23:05
Happy St George's Day..

St. George is the patron saint of England.
It is not a national holiday

There are many other countries that celebrate this day and if you are one of them.

Happy St. George's Day

Similar topics: 1.You have a nice happy trail ? Got pics of your happy trail (either shirtless or of you lifting your t-shirt) ?   2.ANYONE UP FOR SKYPE RIGHT NOW?   3.OMG, GEORGE MICHAEL DIES AT 53   4.RIP George Bush Sr.   5.HAPPY 80TH BIRTHDAY, BOB DYLAN  

New Comment

By #452019 at 23,Apr,14 06:55
Let's go kill a dragon or we could just get naked and fuck? dragon or fuck, oh decisions, decisions...
By #444014 at 23,Apr,14 07:06
Happy St George's Day .

Out of the two choices your propose 'it is a no brainer'

Unless killing a dragon is a euphemism ?

If so tell me more
By botanic at 23,Apr,14 13:28 other posts of botanic 
sometimes you have to kill the dragon to get to the Princess !
By #452019 at 23,Apr,14 14:39
sometimes you don't want a princess you want a fuck (or a dragon to kill to lessen your frustration from not having a fuck).
By botanic at 24,Apr,14 08:51 other posts of botanic 
well yes but even Princesses fuck , look at our British Royal family .. the Princesses there seem to have always been active on that front !
By #452019 at 24,Apr,14 09:07
they all look like horses, long faces and a whole mouthful of teeth, i always want to give them a sugar cube.
By botanic at 24,Apr,14 10:59 other posts of botanic 
well there you go , they are typical thoroughbreds !

By botanic at 24,Apr,14 11:01 other posts of botanic 
PS .. love your pics ! Nice to see someone who has other things in her mouth than teeth ... Does this mean you are not a Princess then ?
By #428387 at 24,Apr,14 11:43
Hey be careful with them Royals. That Princess Ann said she eats horses .Don't know if that's a euphemism .
By botanic at 24,Apr,14 20:02 other posts of botanic 
we ALL eat horses in England apparently .. and thats literal !

By #452019 at 24,Apr,14 13:40
thank you and no i'm not a princess, never will be and never wanted to be. something else in my mouth... i have no idae what you mean
By botanic at 24,Apr,14 20:01 other posts of botanic 
oooh you are sooo innocent !

By Sickboy at 23,Apr,14 22:38 other posts of Sickboy 
Hope you all had a great day and not to much Ale!

By #358797 at 22,Apr,14 23:09
And a very happy St. George's day to you as well.
By #444014 at 22,Apr,14 23:27
Thank you.
By *kmadeau* at 23,Apr,14 05:32 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Happy St.George, my friend!

By CreativeOne at 23,Apr,14 04:48 other posts of CreativeOne 
H S G D 2 U 2 "alexblue" ! Hope you got to do something really Wild !

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