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Sometimes I feel the need to appologize....

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Started by #458044 at 30,Apr,14 06:49
well here goes; As a male it sometimes feels as though I am compelled to appologize for the statements made by other guys to other people.
I mean stupid things such as, when speaking to a lady good God, when I read things like hey I want to put my dick in your pussy etc. it sickens me literally.
has honesty gone the way of the do-do bird? damn guys who outright photoshop dick pics,I can only guess they're over compensating for something hmmmm. courtesy, common sense and manners aren't dead, just in some cases not just this site have been put aside in favor of downright rudeness and what comes across as desperation and vulgarity.
sex, intimacy are beautiful things. Why the hell would anyone want to clutter that with deception and making dumb statements from the get go with cheesy come on lines?
So speaking for myself, and as a man I do appologize for the lame assedness of some others who make us all look bad.

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New Comment

By #68656 at 06,May,14 10:31
The original poster has had a hissy fit and closed his account.
At least we learnt some interesting colloquialisms including "fudge packer" which I presume must be a storeman/packer in a confectionary warehouse.
We will wish him well in his quest spreading the word about this "perverse arena".
By #23212 at 07,May,14 07:35
Hey John, here's that 'famous' song, 'Fudge Packers In Disguise' (played over that 'gay cowboys movie'), as a fun parody of the song 'Ghost Riders In The Sky'. Enjoy.

By #458044 at 04,May,14 06:10
Anyone ever hear of ' following the herd? well thats exactly as I was doing, and as for what I was referring to was the initial contact cheeze lines most tend to use; my comment stands,......
By bella! at 04,May,14 07:41 other posts of bella! 

So you followed the herd when you sent your 'mmmmmmm' and 'balls deep' comments? Now that's lame!
By #458044 at 06,May,14 09:56
tell ya whats lame, is all the guys pretending to be ladies and never posting pics one way or the other or else photoshopping them and behaving a whole lot cheesier than I ever could or would. you dare quote me? judge me? take a look around at some of the fudge packer "studs" in this site, then tell me Im being abnormal,to all I say FUCK YOU, DIE! Im off here and Ill spread the word to others about this site to a void it like the perverse arena it truly is, I came here to chat frely, to have fun, but as usual you fucking assholes are acting like a bunch of nuns or something trying to dictate what can be said not said etc. fuck that.
By bella! at 06,May,14 10:27 other posts of bella! 
You're a class guy with your departing words; 'FUCK YOU, DIE'. And you seriously feel a need to 'appologize' for others? Check yourself, you're a sorry ass, lame ass follower. All I have to say on your quick and cowardly departure; mmmm..............buh-bye!

Adult Discussion Forum