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While wearing panties do you feel femenine

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Started by #93465 at 17,Aug,10 15:30
I don't feel fem I just feel horny

Similar topics: 1.Panties   2.Panties, what's the attraction.   3.Caught out in public wearing womens underwear.   4.Guys wearing girly panties   5.Drawn to panties  

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By earthy at 29,Jan,20 00:52 other posts of earthy 
B7Yeah just makes feel horny. Everyone seeing like that.

By #522791 at 29,Jan,20 00:15
Not fem just queen also loves finding I have her panties on when she goes to suck and throat my cock...but no I don't feel feminine at, comfortable yasss

By dragonsegg at 18,Jan,20 13:16 other posts of dragonsegg 
wearing panties just makes me horny, hard and wanking

By #536019 at 18,Jan,20 12:24
I'll go with "makes my dick sexy and horny" rather than "feeling feminine".

By knewbi at 17,Jan,20 19:26 other posts of knewbi 
Yeah, I kind of do. Feels real sexy though...

By #601496 at 16,Jan,20 22:34
Yeeeeessssss,baby. I do, I doooooo.
By leopoldij at 17,Jan,20 01:02 other posts of leopoldij 
He's not talking about you, he's talking about boys who like these things.
By #601496 at 17,Jan,20 01:05
I knowwwwwww. I knowwwwwww.
By leopoldij at 17,Jan,20 01:09 other posts of leopoldij 
I know you know, I just wanted you to know that I know that you know.

By #360027 at 30,Mar,13 02:50
Panties make me really hard. I can stretch them far emough to contain my erection, so I can have a full cum load inside them. Panties can only absorb so much, which leaves plenty to run down between my thighs.
By #201155 at 30,Mar,13 10:03
Mmmm, I love wearing cummy panties, too

By #102053 at 28,Mar,13 07:36
Just makes me feel horny!!!

By #201583 at 28,Mar,13 03:38
I feel drafty. Come on, I cannot even take a step without one of my balls falling out. It's like they weren't made for me, and the damn things don't even have a piss flap.

By #136638 at 01,Feb,11 18:15
I dont really feel feminine I just feel excited and horny. Many men wear panties and most do not feel any less masculine because they are wearing panties. They wear because panties are such a turn on and feel so good. Its hard to last very long when wearing panties, they definitely make me cum way more harder. Check out our profile for more about us and pictures.

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