Started by #444014 at 03,May,14 21:32
 | Why can't people on this site be direct to another member.
Why stir shit behind peoples back ?
Why can't people be adults on this site ?
If you don't ask someone a direct question you are dealing with myths ffs.
Everyone that has gifts from me I suggest that you cash them in....
My time is coming to end on this site because of one person getting jealous and constantly being a self-centered so and so.
They are jealous of my friendship with one person.
'The truth will out '
I will not say who it is,so don't bother asking.
And to all members'Don't do what I did and be friendly' It will only get thrown back in your face.
Being fake is a mindset.
Just a question for the members.
What is worse ?
A member having multiple accounts and pretending to be multiple people ?
Or a member having a fake account and everyone knows who it is ? |
I will face these troubles in time again
Looking forward to the journey ahead
I have no regrets I have said what I have said
It's not about right and it's not about wrong
It's about what you believe and can you stay strong
To keep an open mind in trying times
with the help of your friends you can get by
For those that said stay in their own special way
I thank you my friends ,so have a nice day
--------------------------------------- added after 7 hours
Say What ? Mmmm I would t like to thank my HTC ONE for that mess
--------------------------------------- added after 45 seconds
**** F O R C E
in every life we have some trouble, when you worry you make it double don't worry, be happy
dont worry be happy now dont worry be happy dont worry be happy
Ps please don't leave, your a bloody good geezer and always you always make me smile!
Although we have not had that much interaction between us on a one to one basis, I for one will miss your input in the fourms.
I hope you can resolve this issue and decide to stay,howe ever if that is not an option,I wish you luck and happyness in your next endever.