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Started by shackles at 08,May,14 14:57  other posts of shackles
Suck this

To fuck this?

New Comment

By #242435 at 07,Oct,14 14:36
I would suck that and fuck it while eating and fucking the pussy.

By #294596 at 17,May,14 01:59
Would love for her to get up close and personal and watch me suck it, then you get up close and personal and watch me fuck her. Then I could lick my cum from her pussy and finish you off while she watched and eat your cum too.

By #362765 at 10,May,14 16:19
Sounds exactly the kind of evening I would enjoy. Maybe you could fuck my ass while I'm fucking the pussy.
By shackles at 14,May,14 13:44 other posts of shackles 
Like your cock rings! Hope you would wear them for us!

By tomas1 at 12,May,14 12:59 other posts of tomas1 
I'll take the pussy thanks

By #101400 at 12,May,14 09:18
I would

By #181785 at 11,May,14 00:13
Every day twice on sunday

By spermkiss at 08,May,14 18:52 other posts of spermkiss 
Hey, man, I'm as queer as a three dollar bill, but that's one fine looking pussy. And that's one fine looking cock. So, yes, I'd do anything, ANYTHING!, with either or both. How 'bout I get the cock good and hard with some oral service and get the pussy warmed and juiced up with some oral as well. Then YOU could fuck the pussy and I'll put my tongue on the shaft and lick off the pussy juice with each outward stroke. After you come inside, you can withdraw and put you cock in my mouth so I can ear the jizz and pussy juice off it. Then I'll turn to her and eat your load out of her pussy. Am I a sex pig, or what?
By shackles at 09,May,14 16:39 other posts of shackles 
That was a fantastic answer spermkiss! The only thing else I'd like is if you were fucking her and I was licking the 2 of you. But since you've already stated that you're gay, I'll have to make due without that one! Of course we'd have to find a way to get you off too. How about if we suck your cock together and when you cum you shoot it on my cock and balls and she cleans it up?
By spermkiss at 09,May,14 19:12 other posts of spermkiss 
Hey, I may be gay, but I've had more than a little experience with women. You want me to fuck her while you watch? Sure I'll do that. Then you can eat my jizz out of her pussy. Hell, I've already said I'd do anything with either or both of you.
By shackles at 10,May,14 14:40 other posts of shackles 

By #136427 at 09,May,14 12:08
Could I cum in the pussy?
By shackles at 09,May,14 16:36 other posts of shackles 
By #136427 at 10,May,14 06:15
id suck the dick
--------------------------------------- added after 163 hours

Then pound the hell out of that cunt

By #460340 at 09,May,14 00:45
Yes and yes. At the same time if u like.
By shackles at 09,May,14 16:36 other posts of shackles 
That would be great!

By #376231 at 08,May,14 19:14

By leopoldij at 08,May,14 19:00 other posts of leopoldij 

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