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kik names

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Started by vinoman at 09,May,14 00:03  other posts of vinoman
ends me names ppl

Similar topics: 1.Names, What attrracts you?   2.Skype names please   3.Names for our cocks   4.Slang Names For Pussy   5.Names  

New Comment

By #68656 at 09,May,14 16:42
What does that mean in plain English, is it a code.???
By leopoldij at 06,Jun,15 09:39 other posts of leopoldij 
Decoding procedure follows.

ends -> ensd -> esnd -> send
ppl -> pepl -> peopl -> people

ends me names ppl -> send me names people
By #68656 at 06,Jun,15 10:36
Dear Mr. Poldij.
Thank you for the translation, why could not the original poster just have written in plain English.?
In any case there is no point in sending him any names or details as his account is inactive.
By leopoldij at 06,Jun,15 11:31 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes John, of course: you are absolutely right! Probably he is right-handed, but he was using his right hand to masturbate, typing with his left one.

May I ask you a question? You say that his account is inactive. How can you tell this? When I click on his page, /member.php?w=420888 , i read: "last seen:7 days(s) ago". That's not really inactive, is it?
By #68656 at 06,Jun,15 15:29
It should have read "appears to be becoming inactive". In practice if an account has not been accessed for a reasonable length of time it often falls into inactivity going by experience.
By leopoldij at 06,Jun,15 15:55 other posts of leopoldij 

By vinoman at 09,May,14 00:03 other posts of vinoman 

Adult Discussion Forum