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Best DRIPPING pussy

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Started by leopoldij at 10,May,14 14:38  other posts of leopoldij
What's your favorite dripping pussy?

For me, it's Arexa's pussy. My ultimate fantasy involves a horny Arexa next to me, making me feel her pussy only to realize how wet she has become. She has been thinking of sex for a while and now the time has come. Any further delay and she'll have an orgasm almost without touching. But a slight touch of her pussy brings her to a different level and she decides it's worth edging it at this new height for a while. She's becoming dangerous, however. Every touch of her pussy makes her moan and her teeth attack my ears, my flesh. Next thing I know is that she has unzipped my pants, taken her cock in her mouth and, with great skill, positioned her lower body against my torso, her legs up my head and her pussy right on my mouth. My tongue instinctively moves toward her clit, feels how swollen and warm it is, and then dips into the love canal. Juices are now flowing over my face. They taste so sweet and my nose smells her sex. And then... mmmmmm........

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Similar topics: 1.Which would you prefer right now?   2.Cocks dripping cum!   3.Pussy Juice   4.pussy open wide   5.pussy dripping cum  

New Comment

By #472683 at 07,Nov,14 08:23
I love hers!

Here's mine!

[deleted image]
By t-rex at 08,Nov,14 01:31 other posts of t-rex 
Arexa's is great, and so is Steffi 's

By #428387 at 12,Jun,14 21:29
Leo had you taken the time to proof read what you have written .You would have saved yourself from sounding like a complete ass .Just saying.
By leopoldij at 13,Jun,14 21:42 other posts of leopoldij 
who cares? this is a site for all kind of fuck. it's great i don't have to think here, just masturbate, like everybody else
By #428387 at 13,Jun,14 21:51
That's the spirit Leo keep your brain in your penis and you can't go wrong .Just hope you don't expect Arexa to keep her penis in her mouth for to long.
By leopoldij at 14,Jun,14 10:58 other posts of leopoldij 
her penis???
By #428387 at 14,Jun,14 11:14
Dose this ring any bells !!! ???

"Next thing I know is that she has unzipped my pants, taken her cock in her mouth and"
By leopoldij at 14,Jun,14 22:23 other posts of leopoldij 

By leopoldij at 11,Jun,14 23:38 other posts of leopoldij 
I know that this is dripping pee, but it's sexy pic of *TheWife+Hubby anyway!!
[deleted image]

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