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ladies tell us about the first time you ever saw a real penis

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Started by hairypussywife at 13,May,14 23:56  other posts of hairypussywife
how old were you how did you get a look? when did you first touch one or see ejaculation

Similar topics: 1.ANY LADIES ON HERE??   2.How many REAL women and/or COUPLES are actually on the site?   3.Circumcision when did you discover?   4.Question for the ladies - Favorite vibes or dildos!   5.Are there any men here who would prefer to suck on the same Penis all the time?  

New Comment

By Sendmenudes at 13,Mar,25 21:23 other posts of Sendmenudes 
I was 13 he was 18
I asked him to flash .. he did
In return he asked if I ever tasted cock before
I said no
He shoved it in my mouth… it was great

By SexIsLife at 21,Feb,25 19:49 other posts of SexIsLife 
Feeling so depressed to found this discussion question got no comments! It's prove that no woman/girls are exist here. Pathetic
By hair_today at 02,Mar,25 22:48 other posts of hair_today 
Either that or they just aren't as interested in penises as we are 😢
By german_guy at 04,Mar,25 19:59 other posts of german_guy 

By bella! at 05,Mar,25 07:25 other posts of bella! 
By hair_today at 05,Mar,25 10:10 other posts of hair_today 

By HornySyd at 13,Mar,25 02:20 other posts of HornySyd 
While surfing the web for something else sex related, I ran across a site with a lot of stories from women about the first sight of penis. Sorry I don't remember it, but it's worth looking for some outside of here. I got a lot of insight into women's "point of view" (no pun intended).

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