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Started by #4650 at 04,Jan,10 07:34
What age does the penis stop to grow? And where did u get the info?

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New Comment

By #39913 at 05,Jan,10 12:15
If you enter the phrase "What age does the penis stop to grow" into Google, you get this result from

"Penis size is determined by genetics. The size of the penis changes during puberty. Penis growth starts between the ages of about 10 to 14 years of age, although some boys are younger, some older. The testicles begin to enlarge first and hair grows in the pubic region. The penis grows in length first and girth slightly later. Teenagers have to wait one or two years after they have stopped growing in height before they will be able to know their final penis size."

Hope that helps!

By #22198 at 04,Jan,10 08:11
I reached my current size around age 15.

Adult Discussion Forum