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At what age does the cock stop growing?

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Started by #19755 at 31,Jul,09 06:11
Anyone knows at what age cocks stop growing?

Do they continue growing all life long?

Similar topics: 1.Stop growing   2.shave or wax?   3.When did your penis stop growing   4.When you were growing up or even now : when you went to the gym or pool did you ever felt in awe at a guy that had a big cock ?   5.**You know you're old ....**  

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By #699038 at 27,Oct,23 13:39
I could be wrong but i think between 13 to 24 and once you hot 24 that it will be the biggest it is going to get but cant say that is 100 percent acurate info

By wycowboy at 21,Oct,23 19:54 other posts of wycowboy 
I stopped about 15/16.

By hairypussywife at 20,Oct,23 22:16 other posts of hairypussywife 
I think my cock was full size by about 13 years old

By DarkMax at 20,Oct,23 20:21 other posts of DarkMax 
--------------------------------------- added after 83 seconds

But it's science's view. Mine stopped at the middle school.

By probowler298 at 20,Oct,23 19:45 other posts of probowler298 
Not sure but mine stopped around 16. I wished it would continue to grow.

By Cody8789 at 16,Aug,23 17:40 other posts of Cody8789 
By phart at 16,Aug,23 17:58 other posts of phart 

By phart at 16,Aug,23 15:37 other posts of phart 
I honestly don't remember,but considering i get my shoes wet if i try to pee sometimes,it quit growing to soon

By subfuckhole at 16,Aug,23 15:11 other posts of subfuckhole 
mine stopped around the age of 5 or 6

By galaxy123 at 16,Aug,23 12:24 other posts of galaxy123 
I developed late so I think I was 20 when I got fully grown.

By thicknsmooth at 16,Aug,23 02:21 other posts of thicknsmooth 
I was 13 years old and measured 7 1/4 inches long when I was hard and 5 3/4 inches in circumference. It never grew any bigger from that time on. I’m still the same size today just a little bit thicker

By #586396 at 22,Apr,19 03:39
they dont grow. the penis is an organ its size is relative to curculation. you want size you need to treat yourself.
By Darthshame at 23,Apr,19 17:10 other posts of Darthshame 

By #584942 at 13,Apr,19 15:01
My dick has been the same size since about age 15.
By DarkMax at 16,Apr,19 22:58 other posts of DarkMax 
And mine!

By 3fdfd at 23,Apr,19 11:39 other posts of 3fdfd 
Mine to about 15/16. Never grew all that big however.

By 3fdfd at 23,Apr,19 13:25 other posts of 3fdfd 
At 15 you had a dick one hell of a lot bigger than what I had at 15 !

By #583980 at 30,Mar,19 19:08
Never. Schape changes over the years a bit. I am in my 50ies now, LOL

By BirdDog at 30,Mar,19 02:57 other posts of BirdDog 
every time i see keeps growing.

By #582293 at 29,Mar,19 08:04
Mine grew till age 21.

By #583549 at 27,Mar,19 22:49
My cock maxed out at 6.5"erect and has stayed the same most of my life!

By #463848 at 07,Jan,19 13:39
Quite variable. It usually has achieved its longest and thickest by 19.

By #532695 at 03,Jan,19 21:51
Mine maxed out about age 20-21, at about 7.5". At age 50 it began to slowly lose length, though it is still as thick. I'm in my mid 60s now and it's 7", so still long.

By #575912 at 03,Jan,19 12:13
I'm in my 40s and my dick is as big and thick as it was at 20. So it depends on body shape too. If overweight then the body draws it upwards and it can be smaller. Also there is some evidence that higher testosterone can make it smaller when developing. Often but not always, a hairy bald male has a shorter penis. But not in everyone just higher %. This is from an endocrinologist study.

By nekekal at 02,Jan,19 18:20 other posts of nekekal 
I don't think the cock keeps growing forever. Mine has not. Good thing too or else it would look like an elephant trunk.

I don't know when it stopped getting bigger. It has always been pretty big, bigger at least than my age group in school PE or sports. I was mostly small through school, with a huge cock. About 16 years old I put on a growth spurt and by 17 was about my adult size, my cock followed suit. As I grew, it grew. So by, 18 I was filled out and so was my cock.

As it started to get some serious use fucking, it might have increased in volume a bit. Not longer, but thicker. Probably by 20, it was as big as it was ever going to get. Good thing too, by then it was scaring off most women who just didn't want it inside of them.

By onthelose at 01,Jan,19 21:51 other posts of onthelose 
I think its really rude to disparage someone's dick. After all what exactly did you do to get a larger cock? Ill tell you absolutely nothing!!! You are simply a result of your genes. That doesn't make you special. Well, I guess some think it does!!

By #64328 at 01,Jan,19 20:25
I was full grown by 13 or 14. Alot sooner than most my friends. But they seemed to catch up over the next few years

By phart at 01,Jan,19 01:03 other posts of phart 
I think mine quit growing about 14 or so.

By #575175 at 31,Dec,18 18:10
As I was 16 my dick stop to grow.

By #573687 at 31,Dec,18 15:46
My cock did not shrink with age. It changed its shape with years from young to more "adult", I think.

By #434610 at 01,Nov,18 20:16
Don’t kno wen they stop growing but wen u get older they start shrinking
By #64328 at 02,Nov,18 14:52

By ThickBigDick at 30,Oct,18 07:38 other posts of ThickBigDick 
full grown age13

By #275407 at 26,Feb,18 18:51
For some guys on here, looks like there dick stopped growing b4 birth
By mr_blue at 26,Feb,18 19:05 other posts of mr_blue 
I think they have dicklets
By #551226 at 26,Feb,18 19:54
They may have caught smallcox when they were a ****.
By #551147 at 23,Oct,18 21:21
Rofl @ smallcox... Good one!

By #567944 at 23,Sep,18 12:56
hey. u have a nice cock. how old are u?
By wycowboy at 29,Oct,18 15:35 other posts of wycowboy 
I resemble that remark, lol

By #537175 at 23,Oct,18 21:24
with most guys in puberty it starts to show real growth length and thickness around age 12 /13 and continues to grow up to age 18/19 .

By #64328 at 23,Oct,18 18:35
My guess is just after puberty

By #64328 at 25,Sep,18 19:44
My dick more than doubled in size from 4th to 6th grade. I was bigger than the boys my age and many guy a lot older too. But by high school most of them caught up

By #536019 at 25,Sep,18 13:39
Mine reached its full length when I was 13. It got thicker, however.

[deleted image]

By #155655 at 24,Sep,18 11:58
Mine stopped growing at age 10 about.

By #64328 at 26,Feb,18 05:32
my dick has been this size since 6th grade. Got size very early
By #567944 at 23,Sep,18 12:56
how big?
By #64328 at 23,Sep,18 14:40
Just over 6 inches. But back then some my friends were much smaller
By #567944 at 23,Sep,18 23:12
oh ok

By #553294 at 16,Apr,18 02:08
The typical age when a guy's cock reaches its final adult size is ~18 - give or take a year. Of course, there are exceptions - but that is the norm.

By Robben at 16,Apr,18 01:49 other posts of Robben 
My erect size when I was around 22 years old and the softie some years later.

By #543717 at 16,Apr,18 00:54
Mine stopped growing at age 16 or so.

By #460523 at 27,Feb,18 01:13
hope it never stops growing

By spermkiss at 25,Feb,18 18:09 other posts of spermkiss 
I think my own experience is atypical, but when I was about 13 or 14 in a matter of just a few months my dick grew to man size, the same size it would be during my early adult life. But I didn't have any pubic hair. That would start growing in about a year later. So there I was with my skinny, hairless boy body and a man size dick. Even after the hair started growing in, I didn't get very much very quickly. In the showers after gym class, or for swimming in which we were nude for the entire time, I was sometimes kidded about not having hair, but I was never kidded about my dick. Mine was bigger than most.
By #64328 at 26,Feb,18 05:30
I was the same...bigger dick than my friends and no hair

By 3fdfd at 25,Feb,18 15:37 other posts of 3fdfd 
For most guys I think about 16 or so. But it varies. Some guys might be still growing in their 20s. I know mine grew SHORTER as time went on
By spermkiss at 25,Feb,18 17:59 other posts of spermkiss 
Alas that's the sad truth. You don't say how old you are on your page, but for most men at about 40 the dick starts getting smaller. So this is entirely normal. Mine has gotten about three quarters of an inch shorter in the fifty years since I was 25.

By #463848 at 25,Feb,18 14:24
It is variable within a short span. Mine stopped at about 18/19.

By leopoldij at 25,Feb,18 12:44 other posts of leopoldij 
It drops growing before the age of 83.

By #6236 at 03,Aug,09 18:19
i must add some humour to this mine grows every day,when she stops touching it stops!
By #549481 at 25,Feb,18 09:49

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