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**You know you're old ....**

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Started by mr_blue at 17,Oct,22 15:05  other posts of mr_blue
You know you're old....

When you stop growing at both ends and start growing in the middle...
When the candles cost more than the cake!!
When you hear your favourite songs in an elevator!!!

New Comment

By #615400 at 20,Oct,22 09:58
When you're on this site...

By Dev01 at 18,Oct,22 01:37 other posts of Dev01 
I know I'm old because I have my nose and ear hairs plucked now
By bella! at 18,Oct,22 01:41 other posts of bella! 
You have your nose and ear hairs plucked? You pay for this service or does your loving wife help you with your personal grooming?
By Dev01 at 18,Oct,22 01:57 other posts of Dev01 
Vettie does the stray hair in nose and ears. I manscape the rest
By bella! at 18,Oct,22 02:02 other posts of bella! 
Gosh, if that ain't love!
By Dev01 at 18,Oct,22 02:56 other posts of Dev01 
Yes we've been married since 92. I looked after her when she had an accident, toileting, bathing when sh was in a wheelchair a couple of years ago. So we have seen and done it all
By bella! at 18,Oct,22 03:11 other posts of bella! 

Not many people can say they've been married for 30 years and happily married, too!
By wycowboy at 18,Oct,22 15:06 other posts of wycowboy 
I've been married 39 years. My wife has been taking care of me all summer,ever since Memorial Day weekend. I broke my ankle pretty bad and it won't heal.
By bella! at 18,Oct,22 18:41 other posts of bella! 
Oh, wow, you really must have messed yourself up, BAD! It's refreshing to know that after many years of marriage that you are able to sing praises about your wife and marriage!

By #610414 at 18,Oct,22 15:31
Charlie and I celebrated our 51st this year.
By whatsupcocks at 18,Oct,22 19:54 other posts of whatsupcocks 
that's golden.

By mr_blue at 18,Oct,22 15:37 other posts of mr_blue 
ear hair drives me nuts,why is it growing there FFS!?!
By phart at 18,Oct,22 16:47 other posts of phart 
won't grow where it is needed will it?

By #491031 at 18,Oct,22 17:13
Because, as men get older, testosterone levels actually rise and estrogen levels do not. The extra testosterone does weird things to hair in odd places on the body.
By mr_blue at 18,Oct,22 17:36 other posts of mr_blue 
Cool,I thought it was maybe the same thing as nose hair!! Filter out dust and stuff!! Still drives me nuts when they sprout up
By Dev01 at 18,Oct,22 19:26 other posts of Dev01 
Blue sometimes we lucky, sometimes we not Having a Greek father I was half lucky. I don't have a hairy back but do have my eyebrows done professionally to ward off the monobrow

True story bro

By #610414 at 18,Oct,22 00:10
You know you are getting old when Aleve is your favorite "vitamins" 🤣😈
By phart at 18,Oct,22 16:48 other posts of phart 
Aleve works but I can't take it.I am 1 of the folks that it messes with my heart beat and taking 2 aleve prompted a hospital stay to find out I had gas and a irregular heart beat that was further complicated by the medicine.
Be careful of it if your heart aint right.
By #610414 at 18,Oct,22 16:52
Charlie can't take it. He has trouble with his kidneys

By mr_blue at 18,Oct,22 15:56 other posts of mr_blue 
You know you're too old when you have more than two pairs of glasses!!!
By phart at 18,Oct,22 16:46 other posts of phart 

Yep a pair of 2.0 for reading, a pair of 3.5 for closeup work.

By willy11 at 18,Oct,22 00:02 other posts of willy11 
You know you are getting old when your back goes out more then you do...
By bella! at 18,Oct,22 01:08 other posts of bella! 
Now that's funny!

By phart at 18,Oct,22 02:11 other posts of phart 

By #680315 at 17,Oct,22 15:32
I'm there already..
By bella! at 17,Oct,22 23:02 other posts of bella! 
You're only as old as you feel. When is the last time you felt yourself OR better yet, when was the last time someone ran their hands all over your body?
By #680315 at 17,Oct,22 23:12
To long to remember
By bella! at 18,Oct,22 01:07 other posts of bella! 

By mr_blue at 17,Oct,22 16:13 other posts of mr_blue 
You know you're too old when a quick cough can lead to you shitting your pants!!!
By phart at 17,Oct,22 17:58 other posts of phart 
sad but becoming more true everyday.

you know you are getting old when your body sounds like rice crispys every time you move

By bella! at 17,Oct,22 22:59 other posts of bella! 
I worry about peeing all over myself not pooping!

By #677849 at 17,Oct,22 22:04
When you make sure you don't drink anything after two hours before bedtime ......
By bella! at 17,Oct,22 22:58 other posts of bella! 
True, dat!

By phart at 17,Oct,22 20:05 other posts of phart 
you know you are getting old when ZZ top members are dying 1 by 1.

By #275407 at 17,Oct,22 15:07
I'm getting there
By phart at 17,Oct,22 17:59 other posts of phart 
you have a long ways to go!

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