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Started by #340774 at 05,Jul,14 23:34
I would love to jerk off and suck a guys cock without ever meeting them or seeing their face. Possibly a glory do I find such a situation?

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By #266499 at 05,Aug,14 03:56
I have had several glory hole dick fun in Philly. nice not seeing other guy, just dick. i **** condoms, i have giving and received head and each time is very different.

By spermkiss at 14,Jul,14 22:02 other posts of spermkiss 
Glory hole sex is indeed the ultimate in anonymous sex. You know absolutely nothing about the man on the other side except that he wants sex and he knows nothing about you except that you want sex. It's totally pure sex. No emotional commitment, no meaningful relationship, just pure sex for no other reason than having sex.

When you're the cocksucker, all you see is the man's cock. The connection between that cock and your mouth becomes the center of the universe. Bringing him to climax and accepting his sperm is the only thing that matters. Pure sex solely for the purpose of having sex.

When you're the suckee, you can devote your entire attention to your cock and the oral service it is being given. When you reach your climax you explode with the biggest eruption since the big bang. Again, pure sex.

How do you find glory holes? Well, is there an adult book store with movie booths where you live? Often there are glory holes between the booths. And the internet is your friend. Try Bob Dameron's Address Book.
By #211891 at 18,Jul,14 14:54
Another benefit of glory holes: No mouth-to-mouth kissing! I love sucking cock. I will suck as long as there is a cock to suck, but, I do not like kissing another man.

By #466487 at 29,Jul,14 16:29
All you see is the man's cock...Pity you can't see his medical records or know where that cock was before you put it in your mouth...As I said before I am not being rude .I have known two friends who threw caution to the wind.They are not among us any longer.Can you HONESTLY say that sucking a cock that sticks out of a wall where Hell knows what disease has been there before is a good idea.
By spermkiss at 03,Aug,14 16:43 other posts of spermkiss 
Your points are well taken, but they could just as well be applied to any casual sexual hook-up.

Having said that, sucking cock is not high risk sex. It's not no risk sex, but there is no such thing as no risk sex. And there is risk in every aspect of life. Every man will have to do his own risk/reward analysis and decide how much risk he is comfortable with.

I realize that sucking off a total stranger thru a glory hole is not everyone's cup of tea, but for those of us who find it fun and exciting, it's hard to beat. I've done it dozens of times, both as the sucker and the suckee.

By #211891 at 12,Jul,14 18:15
I always get plenty of anonymous cock to suck at gay bath houses. Everyone is there for the same reason so cocks are ready and plentiful. Depending on facilities there are steam rooms, saunas, showers, glory holes, gym equipment and guys walking around swinging their cock.
By spermkiss at 14,Jul,14 22:07 other posts of spermkiss 
Gay bath houses are another good idea. One thing I liked to do was sit on the floor next to the door in the steam room and suck the cock of every man who came in. I wouldn't even look up at his face and often the steam was so thick that I wouldn't have been able to see it anyway. Just be a cocksucker sucking every cock that came by. It's fun.
By #211891 at 18,Jul,14 14:50
I've done that! Yes, lots and lots of fun. Believe it or not, there was one guy that did not want me to suck his cock. OK, so I sucked the next one and the next one.
By spermkiss at 19,Jul,14 18:51 other posts of spermkiss 
Isn't it fun to be a trashy cocksucker? To just suck any cock that gets in your face, without even looking up to see who's cock your sucking. Yeah, some guys don't want to be sucked that way, but most do.
By #445126 at 19,Jul,14 20:59
The world needs more guys that love to suck cock. Love shooting a load when my dick is in a gh. Love when guys just grab and suck at the baths. I guess I just love guys who suck
By #211891 at 25,Jul,14 14:47
And there is the added perk of not kissing. Am I the only one that hates kissing a guy on the mouth? I can spend hours, literally hours, sucking cock but I **** kissing.

By cumonme1 at 17,Jul,14 20:22 other posts of cumonme1 
I sucked my first cock in a adult store about two years ago
there are many adult shops in NJ.

By #147052 at 09,Jul,14 19:59
There are several in Billings, Montana....just have to be very careful of what you are doing.

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