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Started by #458576 at 10,Jul,14 10:59
Sometimes people say im a dirty asian slut or they want to fuck my tight asian pussy and of course is ok because i join this site to show off and make people horny because it make me horny too. But 1 guy say im slant eye whore and another ask why my pussy not sideways blah blah and i dont like it. Then today one idiot say he fuck my mother in Vietnam war and it make me so angry. My mother was a doctor and she die last year and i join this site not her. Why he say about my mother ? My friend say I should stop this site. Am I too sensitive ? Do I just accept and think about all the nice people here ? Do any girl here have same problem ?

getting comfy

Similar topics: 1.Racist  

New Comment

By #435701 at 17,Jul,14 18:22
Please try not to listen to these undeveloped, idiotic, unthinking, low I.Q. humanoids! I know that is easier said than done, but racists and sadists are the dregs of humanity. Sad they cannot look into themselves and see how they would like to be on the receiving end of their own insults. But that inability only comes from lack of intelligence and lack of compassion...You are very beautiful!!! Thanks for posting such sexy pictures!

By bella! at 10,Jul,14 13:05 other posts of bella! 
Sadly, members can and do say hurtful things, just like in real life. The difference between here and life is that the scumbags on this site are able to remain anonymous.

You can ignore their nasty messages, tell them to f-off or you can blacklist them so they aren't able to contact you again. It is sad that on an adult site that members cannot act like adults. Don't allow anyone to steal your joy, for every hater, you will have 100+ admirers.
By Gary5 at 10,Jul,14 15:28 other posts of Gary5 
I agree with all the points by people here, including this one - there are always scumbags, and although they are anonymous, their comments here are written so you can keep seeing them - but don't, and yes concentrate on the admirers, you don't want to lose them by leaving the site, just because of that asshole.
By #68656 at 11,Jul,14 12:12
They can also create "private" groups on the pretext of discussing some matter but in fact the actual purpose of the group is to attack other targetted members.
It is remarkable what so-called "friends" will say when they believe they are in a private arena.
By bella! at 11,Jul,14 13:14 other posts of bella! 
JohnS, I'm quite sure that "groups" are established for and by like minded members. Their agenda is quite clear in the title of the group. You are in a host of groups, are you speaking with first hand knowledge that some groups sole purpose is to attack targeted members OR are you speculating? No need to speculate or cause anyone any further anxiety. I'm surprised that you would even hint to be affiliated with any group that attacks members since you have been a target in the past.
By #68656 at 11,Jul,14 14:54
Not always, in one particular case a private group was established ostensibly to be sarcastic but in reality to discuss you and I, some of the comments made about ourselves were shameful. That is fact, not speculation.

Also I am NOT affiliated with that group in any way, I was a subject of it as were you but most certainly we did not receive an invitation to it.

One gentleman who is a member of it made unfortunate comments about me an an Australian which were best not said and could be construed as discriminatory and a reference to me not being a good "mascot" for Oz led to my current avatar.

However this is not an appropriate forum to discuss this matter so we can close this matter as it is not really relevant to the original poster`s topic.
By #303133 at 11,Jul,14 16:15
With respect, John, I think you have got it a bit sideways there. As a member of the group in question, I would like to state that the majority of topics discussed among the members had nothing to do with other people on the site. Certainly, members vented frustration with the behavior of one or two members in a few discussions, but I am sure that sort of thing happens anytime large groups of people share a common social outlet. Many times we just poked fun at each other. I am not sure how you obtained your information, but I would like you to know that you did not get the full, accurate picture.
By bella! at 11,Jul,14 20:15 other posts of bella! 
To JustWill,

Thank you...it's lovely to know that such a distinguished group of members would take an opportunity to vent their frustration with regard to the "behavior of one or two members in a few discussions". I say what I say and members can like it or not. I have no hidden agenda, my cards are on the table.

Apparently on SYD, "friends" come and go and it's unfortunate that those "friends" aren't able to embrace diversity. I thought I knew the character of some folks here, clearly that's not the case.
By #415959 at 12,Jul,14 00:47

In Bella speaks...

Diversity = Desertion
By bella! at 12,Jul,14 03:15 other posts of bella! 
No NOT2nice_, I did not desert anyone, I feel that my friends deserted me. I chose to look beyond what I heard about a high profile member and befriend him. It didn't work, he's high maintenance, he is deceptive and I was not able to pander to him and his mood swings. The friendship was short lived......much like ours. The difference between the two of you is that he's deceptive and you are a bully.

Sometime soon I want you to look between your legs. Is there a cooter where a cock should be? It just amazes me that you have no problem with harassing me with your "gifts". I'm sure you feel gratification at the end of each day based on your behavior, it speaks so loudly of your character. And to think that your abuse began when I was defending a mutual friend and received no backup from my so called friends........

By #303133 at 12,Jul,14 01:03
If I recall correctly, there was a time--not too long ago-- when you were a founding member of a group which was established merely for the venting of frustration regarding the behavior of a specific member. Is that not so?

What sort of "diversity" do you wish me to embrace, and how does that relate to the topic being discussed?

Also, you seem to have strayed from this thread's "racists" topic. Such behavior on other threads can get a person banned, if memory serves. Just sayin'...
By bella! at 12,Jul,14 03:02 other posts of bella! 
Oh, JustWill, are you trying to throw me under the bus? Certainly your memory is not that bad. I don't recall the original name of the group, it was shot down by admin because the profile name of his majesty was used within the context of the group name. As I remember, there were a number of "us" that were verbally attacked by the many faces of his majesty and "we" were tired of that abusive behavior. The name of the group was coined by you and based on one of your forum titles; He Who May Not Be Named ( HWMNBN ). As for being the founding member of HWMNBN, I was a charter member. At least that group did not HIDE behind the guise of being anything other than what it was, members who were sick and tired of being harassed by a member with multiple profiles.

You are a well educated man, far more intelligent than I, the diversity that I speak of is that we are all adults and should be able to select our friends without any repercussions from existing friends. Friends that want to oversee a person to the degree of managing who your friends are, aren't friends at all.

I am curious, what keeps you from littering my page with shit? Is it the points? Surely you could delete the gifts that I've sent and gather enough points to send something negative. And about staying on topic, my initial post was on point. I'm just addressing the posts that have my name or refer to me.

Golly, gee whiz, JustWill, I blacklisted you for 20 minutes months ago. Surely your feelings aren't that tender and besides, you quickly got together your own thread that recently seems to have taken off. Kudos!
By #303133 at 12,Jul,14 07:08
I am not throwing anyone under any type of mass-transit vehicle, only pointing out that you have used a private group as a place to vent frustration in the past. I don't HIDE behind anything.
To my knowledge, the group I am in now wasn't started (contrary to what you seem to believe) as a venue to bad talk other members. As I said above, the behavior of certain members came up in a brief discussion or two. We also talked about movies, daffu, pie and how odd Canadians are. The Canadians have yet to get their panties in a wad about it.

I have never made an issue over who you or anyone else here decided to be friends with. Not my business. I also do not try to tell people who they can or can not poke a stick at when a good stick-poking is called for in the Forum.

I don't send negative gifts to anyone. It just seems silly and pointless to me. Sorry to disappoint, but I have never even considered sending you a pile of shit. I have just interacted with you less on site.

My feelings aren't hurt, I just learned that I can not be sure how you are going to react, at any given time, to something I say in the Forum. You sometimes hold other people to a standard which you do not measure yourself by. I find this to be confusing and illogical, so I have attempted, until now, to avoid taking any chances. Lack of logic makes my brain-stuff hurt.

That particular thread does seem to be busy these days. I take no credit for that, but thanks for the Kudos.
By bella! at 12,Jul,14 07:46 other posts of bella! 
JustWill, I did not suggest that a distinguished group of members formed a group for the sole purpose of venting their frustration with regard to the behavior of one or two members in a few discussions. But when the HWMNBN group was formed, you, I and significant female member, who is no longer a member, were in that group, that group was to taunt HWMNBN because WE were tired of being verbally assaulted. Surely you remember how quickly you deleted your JustLookin profile and returned under several names prior to being JustWill.

There's no need for you to interact with me any further, I assure you that I won't post anything further in this thread. And I will respect your space and not post on your threads. Just for the record, I have never said anything negative about you or maligned you in any way to anyone.

By #415959 at 12,Jul,14 09:48
All members for immediate welcome to the Garden of Bella for all toilet times. Please to stop using your own toilet and only shit in the garden she has made!!!

By bella! at 15,Jul,14 13:35 other posts of bella! 
My apologies to JustWill, I said I would not post anything further on this thread however I feel a need to respond to NOT2nice.

Don't you dare be quick to point the finger at me, YOU are in just as deep, possibly even deeper.

Dood, is your brain that effed up? Surely you are not that arrogant or ignorant that you don't recognize that you share some responsibility for some vibes on SYD. Take a deep breath, relax and try to clear the smoke and fuzz out of your head. Is your brain that fuzzy and your eyesight so blurred that you're unable to see that you, your face is full-o-shit right now? I will not take full credit for this so called garden, you need to get out your rake and TRY to smooth things over for the part YOU played in cultivating it.....

By iowaguy at 13,Jul,14 16:07 other posts of iowaguy 
Sounds like those guys are just assholes. You are beautiful. I understand sometimes it can be a turn on to talk dirty and use their ethnic background in it to, but not to the point its hurtful.

By qhaos at 13,Jul,14 10:20 other posts of qhaos 
don't worry about what people say, is what people do that really matter!

By #458576 at 12,Jul,14 00:29
Thank you everyone. Maybe I think too much. Yes most people here are great and say nice things and some so funny without hurt. I feel better now ! Where is my camera ?

By #136427 at 11,Jul,14 11:59
I think your hot, and you seem to have a good mind. Fuck what people say, just carry on. It will be their loss for being assholes...

By #455846 at 10,Jul,14 15:09
i think its a very horrible thing to be judgemenatal or critiscise and discriminate. Either on this site or obviously in life aswell. It isnt fair what people say at all- most of the time in fact i find, unless they are obviously saying positive stuff. You have to try and realise that its not every body critiscisng you and being discriminatory towards you and by that it is only a few.

Try and look at it in a sense that its not many bad people out of every body viewing and comenting although it might seem like it.

Sorry to hear this and i think you are awesome like everybody can be awesome in their own special way. Sadly some people are better at showing how ignorant they can be
I hope you feel ok about yourself and stronger soon

By DeepThroatThis at 10,Jul,14 14:51 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
Just block the assholes.......don't leave the site cause of a few jerks.......most people here are nice.....plus I love asian girls

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