Started by #372233 at 14,Jul,14 06:41
Similar topics: 1.Jacking with a buddy. . . 2.Finding a jackoff buddy 3.Sharing your fleshlight with a buddy?? 4.How to you find a new fuck buddy? 5.why is it so hard to find a jo buddy in fortworth New CommentComments: |
In other words, find people who are not too distant here on SYD and honestly tell them your wishes and intentions in postings that are sincere and interesting. It is likely that if the other gentleman is so inclined as to wanting a buddy with whom to share intimacies he will respond.
Build on that foundation!
So what do you want to do? Have a buddy you can jack off with, or maybe even jack off each other? Have a buddy you can suck off and/or can suck you off? Have a buddy you can fuck and/or can fuck you? Put you wishes out there on this very Forum post and see what kind of nibbles you get.
Good luck!