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Finding a jackoff buddy

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Started by t-rex at 20,Sep,14 14:07  other posts of t-rex
Does anyone else find it awkward trying to find a jackoff buddy, regardless of where you want it to end up ?

Similar topics: 1.Jackoff Club   2.Wank buddy   3.Finding a blowjob recepient   4.Married men - reasons for seeking a fwb buddy   5.Wank buddy kink  

New Comment

By #220845 at 24,Sep,14 18:35
In the current ssociety very difficult

By spermkiss at 20,Sep,14 16:10 other posts of spermkiss 
Of course it is difficult. In much of society, masturbation is looked upon as a juvenile activity that grown men just didn't do. And if they did, it was something that was done in private and was kept as a deep, dark ****. The truth is that self pleasure is a healthy, wholesome activity that should be a part of every man's sexual repertoire, even men who have regular partnered sex.

As much fun as it is in private, it is enormously more fun when done with one or more friends. So why shouldn't a group of buddies get together and have a few beers and jack off together? Yes, it has homosexual overtones, but the truth is that ALL MEN, not just gay and bi-sexual men, like to look at other men's cocks, especially when they are hard, and like to watch other men reach a climax and ejaculate.

So all you straight guys out there, the next time you are out with your buds, don't be shy, whip it out and stroke out a load. You'll be glad you did and so will your buddies.
--------------------------------------- added after 51 seconds

The word that got censored is s-e-c-r-e-t.
By t-rex at 20,Sep,14 19:08 other posts of t-rex 
If only more people looked at this like you do, maybe it wouldn't be so difficult, thanks for your comment
By spermkiss at 20,Sep,14 19:50 other posts of spermkiss 
My pleasure. This site is a good place to start looking for buddies to jack off with. Put your city of residence in your profile on your page. And all you other SYD members who live near Mr t-rex and would like to rendezvous with him for a nice wholesome jack off session, send him a Private Message and take it from there.
By t-rex at 20,Sep,14 20:25 other posts of t-rex 
Thanks for helping me buddy,

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