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Handjob over sex

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Started by #40256 at 23,Jul,14 15:16
How many of you guys would rather have a handjob over sex?

Similar topics: 1.Handjob fantasy   2.Blowjob or Handjob?   3.Vibrator and handjob combination   4.Rough blowjob or handjob   5.Handjobs? Yay or nay?  

New Comment

By leopoldij at 06,Sep,18 12:48 other posts of leopoldij 
--------------------------------------- added after 13 seconds

[deleted image]

By #519017 at 24,Oct,16 07:20
Depends on the circumstances. In the bedroom I'll take the sex. In the shower, in the walk in the woods or in the corner behind the office filing cabinets or in the restroom cubicle I'll take the HJ. With my own woman sex and HJ's are different experiences for variety. If she's not in the mood for sex I'll gratefully lie back and watch her boobs swing above be and caress her ass while she strokes me off.

By leopoldij at 28,Jan,16 11:58 other posts of leopoldij 
Here's a handjob. ..
[deleted image]

By slipper at 30,Jul,14 21:45 other posts of slipper 
In general, I like a GOOD handjob as well as anything. Afterall, it was my first sex, by myself and later with another. But, a great hand-job (for more than a quick stroke-job, especially with an uncut cock) coupled with a blowjob is BEST!!!

By #285354 at 24,Jul,14 10:31
Only if the handjob cums with a blowjob
By Rayb1054 at 26,Jul,14 15:35 other posts of Rayb1054 

By #33070 at 24,Jul,14 08:02
Sexx please

By #23212 at 24,Jul,14 05:58
When my Sweetheart is doing absolute magic on me with her hands, both of us would most certainly not call it, 'going for a walk' or 'cooking dinner', etc.; but rather fantastic sex (play)!

By Odin_york_pa at 24,Jul,14 03:12 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
for the most part, I would take a hand job over sex. So much more safe, not likely going to get an STD from someone's hand.

By #466936 at 23,Jul,14 15:19
When penetrating I have too much friction on the glans, don't like that. With a handjob you can see everything; I wanna see my cum squirting.
By leopoldij at 23,Jul,14 23:14 other posts of leopoldij 
do u prefer handjob to anal sex with a man? just wondering...

By DeepThroatThis at 23,Jul,14 16:58 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
Isn't a hand job a form of sex

By *kmadeau* at 23,Jul,14 15:59 other posts of *kmadeau* 
always sex

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