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Handjobs? Yay or nay?

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Started by Antonek at 04,Mar,24 01:10  other posts of Antonek
My first sexual experience with someone other than myself was getting a handjob. I still love a good handjob (or at least a reasonable facsimile) Who’s with me? Don’t get me wrong, there is a mutual connection with intercourse of any sort but a handjob really brings me back. I still love them. Guys and gals, I’d love to hear your input.

Similar topics: 1.Love handjobs   2.Need help please re: cheating   3.I am offering handjobs, any takers?   4.How do you get action in public toilets?   5.Your favorite porn act (for straight men)  

New Comment

By Cummingforyou at 19,Mar,24 08:51 other posts of Cummingforyou 
My first ever orgasm was a hand job from a complete from stranger when I was 15. Guess I was molested but will never forget it . He took his dick one night in a park and told me to suck it .. guess I wasn’t good at it as he pulled me away . He then put his hands in my underwear and grabbed my penis which got hard in an instant, pulled my pants down to my knees . Then he put his hand on my rock hard shaft pulling the fore skin back and forth. No idea what was happening bus enjoying having a hand of someone else on my penis . As I said I had never cum before ) late starter) after a couple on minutes I felt I needed to pee which I said to him . He just went faster when all the sudden I got this incredible pleasure sensation and rope after rope of this white liquid shot oil it of my penis causing my legs to go weak . Best ever cum your first one but yay love hand jobs ffrom both. Genders

By nekekal at 18,Mar,24 04:56 other posts of nekekal 
I have done self hand jobs my whole life. As long as someone is enjoying my cock it is good with me. Having someone pump the cum out of my cock is always better than doing it myself, although I usually beg them to suck it a bit. So I like hand jobs. I wish I could find someone to play with my cock right now.

By Lvphose at 16,Mar,24 21:52 other posts of Lvphose 

By #668890 at 07,Mar,24 21:29
I'm with you, Antonek. I LOVE getting and giving handjobs!
By Antonek at 07,Mar,24 22:46 other posts of Antonek 
We must share the same affliction! I’d take a handjob from you any day!😘
By #668890 at 16,Mar,24 21:42

By #694265 at 15,Mar,24 06:09
New hand job upload

[deleted image]

By #694265 at 15,Mar,24 03:42
[deleted image]

Hand jobs are awesome, some of my biggest loads I have ever had has been getting milked from the wife 🥳
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes


That's a link to our handjob gallery if you wanted to check it out 🤤

By t-rex at 04,Mar,24 01:54 other posts of t-rex 
Nothing wrong with a good handjob, although it normally leads to something else .
By Antonek at 07,Mar,24 22:44 other posts of Antonek 
You’re right about that, none of which is bad!
By t-rex at 15,Mar,24 03:27 other posts of t-rex 
Not at all

By #712101 at 12,Mar,24 12:00
Love having my wife pull my cock while she is getting it hard from her bull...nothing else compares..

By Luvanicecock at 08,Mar,24 13:05 other posts of Luvanicecock 
I like hand jobs, but my first sexual experience was being molested by a stranger
By Antonek at 10,Mar,24 19:52 other posts of Antonek 
Ooh, sorry dude.
By Luvanicecock at 12,Mar,24 11:53 other posts of Luvanicecock 
Shit happens. I've gotten past it, and maybe that's part of the reason I love to suck cock now

By Maxwell_93 at 11,Mar,24 23:21 other posts of Maxwell_93 
I had one amazing handjob that I would be elated to experience again, but I want more than that typically
By Antonek at 12,Mar,24 00:53 other posts of Antonek 
I hear you bud, so true!!!😁

By knewbi at 11,Mar,24 18:47 other posts of knewbi 
When I was a teen my girlfriend and I were afraid of getting her pregnant so we did not fuck at all. She would suck my cock and I'd eat her pussy and we would both work the other to get them off.. She just loved giving me a hand job until it spitz. She became very, and I do mean very, good at it. It's a shame to say that we are no longer together but we did get married for a few years. I have had my share and then some of sex partners but nobody cums close to her hand jobs. She knew all of the tricks and the right lube to make it so much more enjoyable. And when Ii was going to cum, she would sometimes wrap her lips around me and swallow. She did love seeing it spurt though too. I so miss those hand jobs she gave...
By Antonek at 12,Mar,24 00:50 other posts of Antonek 
Wow! What a great story! 😊

By #702376 at 05,Mar,24 21:21
Fuck yes!! I absolutely love a good handjob!
By Antonek at 10,Mar,24 19:53 other posts of Antonek 
I agree.

By #690553 at 04,Mar,24 04:16
A handjob is great and all for me personally I love having a guys cock in my mouth

It makes me wet feeling a throb inside my 👄
--------------------------------------- added after 24 seconds

A handjob is great and all for me personally I love having a guys cock in my mouth

It makes me wet feeling a throb inside my mou
By Antonek at 10,Mar,24 19:51 other posts of Antonek 
Well, if given the choice, your mouth would be a great option!😘

By LGA6969 at 04,Mar,24 13:41 other posts of LGA6969 
I like giving and getting a good handjob

By Cody8789 at 04,Mar,24 05:50 other posts of Cody8789 

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