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Givingfeedback on pictures should give you points

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Started by #467057 at 24,Jul,14 05:24
I think this site is mostly for people who want a point of view on their manhood. That's what people like is feedback. Maybe we should try to add something if you comment something really appealing to the user, they can "thumbs up" or like your comment for points. Like myself I find not enough comments on my photos and I thank all the people who give me feedback. As I tend to provide the same

[deleted image]

Similar topics: 1.points   2.FOR ADMIN - THOSE POINTS AGAIN   3.does anybody get points from evaluating pictures ?   4.Votes against your pictures   5.Seeking Revange  

New Comment

By JeffinKS at 24,Jul,14 21:59 other posts of JeffinKS 
well for me.... if I like your picture and see few or no comments.. I will comment on it, also I will vote HOT or NOT, each vote HOT gives you 3 points and I usually hit it 3 or 4 times giving you 9-12 points. so if I see a nice picture with LOTS of comments... I usually wont comment and just vote on it and give you points
By bella! at 24,Jul,14 22:53 other posts of bella! 
Just to clarify, Lonewolf_ICT, when you vote "HOT", you have 3 points deducted for your vote and the recipient receives 2 points. Must be like poker and the house ( admin ) receives a cut.

If you notice the OP's comment below, he sends a private message. I guess he hasn't noticed that "comments count".

By #81191 at 24,Jul,14 22:43
You do get points for your ACTIONS on the site while making yourself known helps with your pics that perhaps should have some variation at least.

By bella! at 24,Jul,14 05:44 other posts of bella! 

Just an observation.....you receive far more comments on your pics versus the comments that you make. If you want constructive feedback, here it is; there are far more men than women here. What makes YOUR dick pic different than the one before or after yours? You need to upload pictures that are interesting in order to "stand out" also, you get what you give.
By #467057 at 24,Jul,14 06:03
I actually leave most my comments via private message, thanks for looking into it though, I'm assuming by what your meaning is comment on each individual picture for someone else's feedback, instead of my private messages. Or maybe you just tried to put me on the spot.?
By bella! at 24,Jul,14 06:08 other posts of bella! 

Adult Discussion Forum