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This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #18076 at 29,Jul,09 00:01
miscatagorized pictures cost you points so I deleted all my pictures wont cost me any points to post and no one will see me!

Similar topics: 1.Points log   2.Total Points?   3.FOR ADMIN - THOSE POINTS AGAIN   4.Small addition for paid members   5.Points Changes  

New Comment

By admin at 29,Jul,09 16:40 other posts of admin 
What you do not understand, that without such measure of control pages of this site would be overflowed with thousands of shitty pictures, half of which would have nothing to do with dicks. Noone would wish to visit this site on such terms so ultimatelly noone would visit your pages too.

By #10886 at 29,Jul,09 12:22
I would like to see a more finished points/categories system. I do understand that on a free site, things are not as fancy as some of the pay site, but it would be nice to lessen the impact of random member "inputs" that jeopardize others points. Admin, if we can help.....let us know!
By admin at 29,Jul,09 16:27 other posts of admin 
"Random inputs" are not counted. I do not want to go into details in order to prevent any possible abusive use of this feature but even 3 members is not enough to trigger the pic as "in the wrong category". So most of those who complain actually deserve it.

Anyone wants their pics in the main category as it gets most of views, so some people post just everything there, I just don't get why they are complaining afterwards for being tagged as in a wrong category.

As I repeated several times - I don't give a fuck about categories, but members do. Post anything that is not a clear closeup of a dick into main category at your own risk.

Adult Discussion Forum