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age and sex

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Started by #457943 at 02,Aug,14 15:45
i was wondering why many peaple over 60 in this site can have so much energy to wank or have a sex.its a plain fact that in china people over 50have few sex life。its so strange ,i need someone to explain or talk about his own experience.

New Comment

By #457943 at 03,Aug,14 15:36
who van tell me ehy!?
By #6568 at 27,Jun,15 14:07
Many 'young' people are not really 'sexy'...even tho' they may have sex it is not sensual or emotional. Many of us older people have retained an interest in good sex because we enjoy and value the sensual experience of sexual connection with another. Thats what keeps it going in many cacases. And yes, firm erection capability helps too...but sexy older people value it enough to try to keep it in good condition and practice everyday!

[deleted image]

By #7976 at 27,Jun,15 03:09
There's not much to say here. Either you're over 60 and your dick still gets hard at the sight of a hot naked woman (in my case) or man and you've got the energy to have sex without having a heart attack or you don't. Thank good living and the fact that we all live longer I suppose. At any rate, people in China not withstanding, I still get excited, still get hard, and still can shoot a load when properly coaxed out of my balls. Enough said.

By #200265 at 10,Jun,15 10:57
I'm nearly 67 and have sex 2 or 3 times a week. Still masturbate from time to time as well. Not always as easy to get an erection as it once was, although a quarter of a Viagra tablet is all I need when there's a problem. I have an enlarged prostate ( benign at this stage ) but I don't think that's a problem so far, except I usually have to get up once, occasionally twice, a night for a pee. Takes me a bit longer to cum, but not really a problem and I wish I could have been a bit slower at cumming sometimes when I was younger.

By #445126 at 04,Aug,14 11:20
I'm a mid-fifties guys, so not yet sixty, but pretty darn close. My sex drive has increased over the years, not decreased. And frankly, the number of available partners is greater than one might think. As far as one nation's people having less sex at a certain age, I'd be interested to see the facts, and if it's true it sounds to me to be more cultural than biology.
By #457943 at 04,Aug,14 15:53
yeah what i mention is really true in china.
some old chinese shy to ask their partner for sexual activities.
and according to our traditional culture old people has less energy but making love need much energy ,so some old man dont dare to do that.
By #61033 at 31,May,15 12:58
Well then, send all those frustrated sexy MILF's over here, we will sort them out.

By #372661 at 10,Jun,15 00:52
Looks as if you have devoted nearly half a century to physical fitness. Well done!

By #384365 at 02,Jun,15 17:58
I am 72 (today actually) and my wife and I have had sex every day (sometimes more than once) since we married 441/2 years ago. Why should that seem unusual. Perhaps practice makes perfect or a well used machine never rusts.
By #457943 at 09,Jun,15 04:00
Thanks for ur brilliant answer. The key point is not the ability , it's the mind

By boc at 31,May,15 14:57 other posts of boc 
People are individuals. Broad sweeping generalizations like that do not apply to everyone. This is an internet site that allows one to show nude pics. It is rare in the world and therefor has a very large pool of people available. Perhaps if you did a statistical analysis you would find little difference with nations in this regard.

By #457943 at 31,May,15 03:50
Nice topic

By #457943 at 05,Oct,14 16:51
It's really a confusion

By #457943 at 05,Aug,14 16:21
givr me some more imformation
By spermkiss at 05,Aug,14 18:44 other posts of spermkiss 
Go to the page of helf08 on this very site. There you'll find dozens of men in their sixties, seventies and even older who are proud to put their nude bodies and their sexuality on public display for everyone to see. Sure, it's gay sex, but straight people that age have sex, too. Looking around the internet it is not difficult to find heterosexual couples of mature years actively engaged in sex. And for every couple willing to do it in front of a camera, you can bet there are hundreds of even thousands who do it only in private.
By #457943 at 06,Aug,14 16:15
thank u sir

By #455199 at 04,Aug,14 08:44
I am over 60, I want sex, sex and more sex but I'm not getting any!

I dream about sex, I often daydream about sex, I look at other people and imagine having sex with them!

Energy I have plenty, courage to approach, strip off and indulge, I have virtually none!

Erections, I do not get!

Wanking is hard work!

I'll continue having dreams, life is easier that way!
By #457943 at 04,Aug,14 16:14
u mean u cant get erection easily bit u still isolate to have a sex!?
but as far as im concerned,dont all the dickd get jard when their manster eager to make lovr or masturbate?do u have illness relate erecyion problems or sth else?

By Jb11 at 04,Aug,14 09:02 other posts of Jb11 
I'm 77 and my ladyfriend is 80 and we still enjoy sex, she has a couple of other men too and we sometimes enjoy a threesome. I can still get an erection and I do understand the problem that Suckitandsee has. It is difficult to find suitable partners and I wish him well and good luck. If you are only 18 years old then you have a long way to go and a lot to learn. I have not been to China but I imagine that the poor peasants have to work so bloody hard they won't have the time or energy for much sex. The more well of people might be ok but wasn't there an edict in China about having too many ****?
By #457943 at 04,Aug,14 16:07
thank u sir.
nowadays in china ,50percent population is in urban and they dont do farming the point is not that they spend too much energy on other thing but their tradition thoughtd drive them to a non-sex road.
its a tragity.
i was wondering if all the old aroud u is likr u?

By spermkiss at 03,Aug,14 16:30 other posts of spermkiss 
You state that it's a FACT that in China people over fifty do not have much of a sex life, but I don't know how you could possibly know this. I see on your page that you're 18 years old. When I was your age here in the USA it was just assumed that people over fifty didn't have sex. But they did and they still do. I rather suspect that there is a lot more sex going on with people over fifty in China than you know about.

Are there any Chinese or other Asian members, especially members over fifty, who'd care to weigh in on this subject?
By #457943 at 04,Aug,14 15:59
haha fact sex is not sa **** topic in china.even on some mainstream mag has some article about it.recently i read an article about a research concerning old peoples sex makr me curious about this topic.
what i wat to know is whether some old people around u is still keeping making love or wanking?

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