It's not a micropenis because by definition that is an erect penis less than 3" in length. Your erect penis looks more like 4+" to me. Secondly, these 'nub' photos like the one in this thread don't really match the rest of your pics, which makes me think you've done something like apply ice to make your soft dick shrivel to smaller than normal. You do have a nice smallish dick, but this pic is not your normal appearance.
By #436014 at 12,Aug,14 00:32
you're definitely a grower not a shower, the pic of you hard does get me worked up
Micropenises are hot. Hairless micros are even hotter. Hottest of all is a hairless guy with a micro who has the balls to post full body, face showing photos of himself. Sir, I salute you.
--------------------------------------- added after 49 hours
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