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might have sex tonight!!!

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Started by #136427 at 16,Aug,14 14:15
Its been awhile since I have had sex. The wife is in control of the pussy fucking. It has been almost 2 months. She has been sick, or tired, or having her period, or just not feeling like it. But this morning she said I might feel like having sex tonight. I replied yay, and made a small golf clap. She wanted to know why I was being sarcastic. She thought I would be happy. I said we used to have sex almost every night. its been almost 2 months! So she went on about the above mentioned reasons for not wanting to have sex. I really want to have sex, like it has been all I think about for the past week. Pounding a wet stinky pussy hole, fucking it hard and deep. Every hot chic I see, gets me aroused. And she always says I can get bjs from others and have sex with them just cant cum in them. But maybe it is a trap? So ive been jerking off like a teenager for so long now ive given up on the sex. Should I snub her tonight or just fuck the snot out of her?

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New Comment

By #136427 at 06,Nov,14 13:00
I guess the only way ill be having any sex is if i pay for it.
--------------------------------------- added after 102 hours

She asked if i want to have a quickie, to make me feel better. I told her no, i dont feel like having sex with her.

By #281008 at 15,Oct,14 09:40
ok u have sex I will have a gud ****
By #136427 at 15,Oct,14 12:03
Wow you doing some naughty shit or what?

By #136427 at 26,Sep,14 20:11
I think we are done. Thanks for all the opinions, and reading my vents. Im just an asshole who works all the time. I guess my goal of buying a house has consumed me. I thought i was working twards a better life. I didnt realize i was really just destroying the one i had. There will be no sex in my near future, just grief. Im done.
By #316255 at 27,Sep,14 03:27
You're throwing in the towel pretty fast, aren't you?
By #136427 at 10,Oct,14 12:06
Im working it hard, i feel she is he one tossing in the towel. I cant post all that goes on i would be on here forever. Im just venting my frustration with the situation. Trying to reflect on what the hell is going on...

By #23212 at 27,Sep,14 07:21
As you were strongly advised several months ago, you two needed counseling very badly. In counseling you could easily have found out that being "consumed" with buying a house was destroying your marriage--rather obvious. But you ignored that advice to this day.
Please see my other answers to your questions in your 'Frustrated' post.

I do wish you and your family well.

By #136427 at 10,Oct,14 12:03
So, we are working things out. Im am doing all i can. Working less trying to make her life easier. Talking about grocery shopping she wants to get more of these flushable wet wipes. They make her asshole squeeky clean she says, i love them she says. In an effort to steer things twards sex i say... clean enough for me to lick your asshole? Her response was... why do you guys always want to lick my asshole. Hmmm i said you guys? What is that supposed to mean? You men she says are all the same. I say what men? Me in general she says. I say who else wants to lick your asshole, And we are fighting again... now i feel like i need to spy on her. This cant be healthy.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 hours

So,should i stop by her work, and say hi. See who else eyeballs me funny...

By #281008 at 26,Sep,14 21:36
ok u have sex I will just have a beer

By #136427 at 24,Sep,14 02:21
So we have not jad sex in 3 weeks. My dick has been hurting due to my jerking off. See my other post. But it is feeling much better. Wife says after dinner, want to have sex tonight? Sure i say. She takes a shower, and goes to bed. Just like that. ****. 3 weeks, and then this? What the hell. Am i misreading the signs here or is she just fucking with me?

By #466786 at 12,Sep,14 15:57
fuck her senseless
By #136427 at 13,Sep,14 15:52
Ive decided to make her beg if she wants it. Im over the games i have better stuff to do than get on my knees and beg for mercy fuck pussy so i stop asking for it. She can masturbate for a few months. Ill just play xbox, that ought to piss her off...

By #136427 at 12,Sep,14 11:55
I give up, after all thats going on in my life im just going to work. They say money cant buy happiness but it can buy a 4wheeler and those make me smile so it is basically the same thing. Let the old lady ****, i dont care any more

By #451452 at 19,Aug,14 04:07
Next time she goes on a drought and finally comes to her senses tell her your not interested and get hold of the ladies undergarments section of a catalog. Sit on the edge of the bed while she is lying in it and look at the catalog while you wank yourself silly.
By #136427 at 19,Aug,14 11:45
I thought about it, I wanted to snub her, but you know women. She would just roll over and go to **** without a second thought. After two months it was a take it or leave it deal. Not having sex for so long was making every piece of ass i saw durning my day look like a slice of "i wanna fuck it" I jerk off like a pro, but sometimes you just need to pound it out into a hole. So I caved for the pussy. But I fucked that hole like it was my job, and I was trying to get a raise.
By #451452 at 19,Aug,14 13:11
That is another way to go, whatever it takes to get laid as much as possible.

By #467242 at 16,Aug,14 15:57
Welcome to marriage.
By #136427 at 19,Aug,14 11:46
Marriage with 2 kids and full time jobs...

By leopoldij at 18,Aug,14 17:00 other posts of leopoldij 
So, what happened? Did you fuck her?
By #136427 at 19,Aug,14 00:58
I did indeed pound the hole. I hit it so hard and so long she was a wet quivering mess when I as done. it might make up for three nights. However, id like a repeat of those events tonight in the flesh just not replay in my mind...

By #136427 at 18,Aug,14 12:14
I pounded the hell out of her, she liked it. Then she ****. I wanted to snub, but the thought of jerking off for another 2 months was too much... now I just need to keep the train rolling

By #285354 at 17,Aug,14 23:51
Don't miss out on an opportunity to fuck. I'd suggest that you really work to please her. Ask her what she'd like. Would she like to cum first? Would she like for you to cum together? Does she like oral? Do you enjoy a nice 69? How does she want to get started? Put her in the driver's seat and just enjoy the ride. You can't go wrong. She'll make you cum some how. Let it be a surprise. Good luck!

By #347242 at 17,Aug,14 08:19
bummer you dont get more! gf and i fuck at least 5 times a week and i get a pass for 2 or 3 sessions with a fuckbuddy. hope you enjoyed it!
By spermkiss at 17,Aug,14 15:38 other posts of spermkiss 
A girlfriend who fucks a lot and is cool with you having a fuckbuddy as well! Man, don't you have a dream situation.

By #358797 at 17,Aug,14 08:10
Hopefully you gave her a pounding. If you snubbed her, I doubt you'll be getting any for quite a while.
By spermkiss at 17,Aug,14 15:37 other posts of spermkiss 
My sentiments exactly.

By spermkiss at 16,Aug,14 17:01 other posts of spermkiss 
Fuck her! Fuck her hard and deep!

Yeah, I know she's been withholding sex from you for two months and you're a little PO'ed. But don't be spiteful and withhold sex from her now that she's willing again. There's a very real possibility that she hasn't wanted sex for legitimate health reasons. Now that she's willing again, go for it. When the two of start being pissy with each other, there is a good chance that your marriage will go on the rocks.

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