| Its been awhile since I have had sex. The wife is in control of the pussy fucking. It has been almost 2 months. She has been sick, or tired, or having her period, or just not feeling like it. But this morning she said I might feel like having sex tonight. I replied yay, and made a small golf clap. She wanted to know why I was being sarcastic. She thought I would be happy. I said we used to have sex almost every night. its been almost 2 months! So she went on about the above mentioned reasons for not wanting to have sex. I really want to have sex, like it has been all I think about for the past week. Pounding a wet stinky pussy hole, fucking it hard and deep. Every hot chic I see, gets me aroused. And she always says I can get bjs from others and have sex with them just cant cum in them. But maybe it is a trap? So ive been jerking off like a teenager for so long now ive given up on the sex. Should I snub her tonight or just fuck the snot out of her? |
--------------------------------------- added after 102 hours
She asked if i want to have a quickie, to make me feel better. I told her no, i dont feel like having sex with her.
Please see my other answers to your questions in your 'Frustrated' post.
I do wish you and your family well.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 hours
So,should i stop by her work, and say hi. See who else eyeballs me funny...
Yeah, I know she's been withholding sex from you for two months and you're a little PO'ed. But don't be spiteful and withhold sex from her now that she's willing again. There's a very real possibility that she hasn't wanted sex for legitimate health reasons. Now that she's willing again, go for it. When the two of start being pissy with each other, there is a good chance that your marriage will go on the rocks.