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hello again

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Started by #472228 at 04,Sep,14 00:15
I dont know if many remember me. I came to say hello to some old friends.

New Comment

By leopoldij at 04,Sep,14 15:49 other posts of leopoldij 

By bella! at 04,Sep,14 15:42 other posts of bella! 
Ask and you shall receive, ***mr7inches*** has returned and he's the real deal!

By #303133 at 04,Sep,14 01:48
Welcome back!
By #472228 at 04,Sep,14 01:56
Thank you!
By bella! at 04,Sep,14 02:04 other posts of bella! 
Do you remember him, JustWill?

Approximately two years ago, you, Cum4steffi and a guy named JustLookin all pummeled a guy in the forum for posting a private conversation that he an I had. JustLookin is now JustWill!
By #472228 at 04,Sep,14 02:08
I do! he was bullied by the same bigwig that bullied me he also came to my defence when that crazy cat lady posted that tarable topic about me.
By bella! at 04,Sep,14 02:11 other posts of bella! 
She's gone!

By #472228 at 04,Sep,14 00:30
I am looking for the pages of those I used to talk with but cant seem to find these people?

By bella! at 04,Sep,14 00:38 other posts of bella! 
Metalhead left a few months back.

Noname left on January 1st
Steffi also left on January 1st

Artoodetwo I believe he found love but she didn't know he was here, there's more to it but not to be printed here. He's come and gone using different names. I believe he is not here.

mr7inches deleted his profile a while back but it was under another name. The name mr7inches is being used by another member, but he is not the real deal!

Although the other names are familiar, I really don't know whether they're still here, inactive accounts or if they deleted.
By #472228 at 04,Sep,14 01:21
I was reading some of the posts and it looks like the site has changed a lot and not for the better a lot of infighting and he said she said crap. I remember that when I was here as butterflydreamer I was bullied by some of the site bigwigs and thier friends also when i came back briefly i was harassed by some whack job and some of the people that came to my defence were some of the ones that others dont care for and call bullies. I only want to say hello and catch up with those that were friendly with me. Som of them might not be popular to others here but regardless i consider them my friends.
By bella! at 04,Sep,14 01:45 other posts of bella! 
Yes, there is still a good amount of dissension and bickering back and forth, that will never change.

By bella! at 04,Sep,14 00:20 other posts of bella! 
Of course you are remembered! I even think I remember the other name, butterflydreamer, How are you?
By #472228 at 04,Sep,14 00:24
I am doing really good I came across my old email and got a little nostalgic and decided to come back for a few days. i wish i could stay for goods but at this time in my life its not possible.
By bella! at 04,Sep,14 00:28 other posts of bella! 
You don't have to be here 24/7 although if you should ever post pictures, the "dicks" will be all over you!
By #472228 at 04,Sep,14 00:31
I never did post those kind of pics so dont know about that.
By bella! at 04,Sep,14 00:42 other posts of bella! 
You didn't have to post those types of pictures but what you did post was titillating!

Adult Discussion Forum